My name is Cafran, I’ve studied graphic design 3 years and drawing in general for 9 years. My services are quick and efficient with high quality to be expected at all time.
- Unlimited revisions
- No refunds after product is given and payment has processed
- Must take roblox taxation if needed
- Most active on Discord
- I prefer to not be bugged constantly
- Everything is labelled, scaled and imported into Studio.
- I do not script animation
- I only specialize in resizing for 1920x1080 resolutions
- I am EXTREMELY unexperienced in GFX - do not request them at all
Timezone is BST (UTC+1). Availability is subject to change.
These ranges are for FULL GAME UI. Smaller tasks are negotiable. I only accept % from currently credible games.
5,000 - 30,000+
25 - 100+
Before sending the message “Hello” with no further conversation added onto it, message the following.
- How many frames (1, 5, 7)
- Theme (e.g bubbly)
- Description of the UI (e.g cartoony simulator style shopping area with X sections and Y items per - section)
- Reference Images (important)
- Deadline
Discord: Cafran#3510
Twitter: @ Cafraan
You may also DM me on this platform.