Cake n’ Cream - Master Chef/Cashier Promotion Guide
I want to take this opportunity to congratulate on your successful completion on Cake n’ Cream! I and the rest of the company are proud to have a such a dedicated and hardworking member like you with us on Bakery. You have consistently proved your worth and have not failed in any of endeavors.
This guide will explain what to do and not to do as a Master Chef/Cashier so that you can achieve an Kitchen Lead position within Cake n’ Cream. Please keep in mind that this guide only offers some suggestions regarding some of the things to do and doesn’t encompass everything that you should or shouldn’t be doing as a Master Chef/Cashier. Please also note that the maximum rank limit of Kitchen Lead at the time of writing is 75 individuals.
What to do as Master Chef/Cashier
Our high ranks at Brew look for the best Master Chef/Cashier to join our MR Team. The main characteristics that we look for in a person are maturity, helpfulness, leadership, and professionalism. For every business the staffs are the most important part, and almost every business are putting honest be the first place when they haring staff. And I find out all the staffs have to be able to work as a team. Because there are some busy times in a Bakery, so all the staff should working very fast and understands what to do at the busy time. Moreover all of the owners want long team staffs, they want their staffs working longer in the same place. As a Senior Barista wishing to achieve the next step in your journey at Cake n’ Cream, you are allowed to wear any clothing and appropriate package that you want - you do not need to be “aesthetic” or “cool” or have limited items. Your username also does not play any part in deciding promotions. One factor which does play a part in promotions is your activity. Competition at Cake n’ Cream to become an administrator is quite high, so you do need to be relatively active to be considered. We like to see consistent activity over a shorter amount of time, as that is much more likely to get you noticed rather than working a 12 hour shift one day, then not coming on at all for the next three. As the senior barista , you will help develop and maintain our coffee program to the highest standard . While all Chefs/Cashier will undergo our Chef/Cashier point program, as Master Chef/Cashier you will serve as in-house quality control for each cup, and mentor the professional growth for each barista on your team. If you’re committed to team building, have demonstrable experience and a high level of skill in the craft of beverages, this is an opportunity to have an impact ; to play a key role in building a premier third wave Bakery program!vv
What not to do as a Master Chef/Cashier
One of the worst things you can do is constantly seek for attention instead of working hard for the promotion. For example, asking any MR or HR if they want a drink when they didn’t come to your register will be seen as you seeking attention from that MR or HR, or asking questions related to being an admin, how long it takes someone to get promoted, etc.
Staff Rules
- Utilize grammar behind the counters when you’re working or you will face consequences. You don’t need to use grammar outside of the staff area and in the Discord communications server.
- Do not troll or you’ll be demoted immediately.
- You are not permitted to be AFK, except at the staff lounge; you’ll receive a demotion if you don’t follow this rule.
- Please refrain from starting drama or “tea”.
- We don’t give out warnings to trollers. One warning, then contact an MR/HR to handle the situation.
- Exploiters don’t receive a warning. Do you see an exploiter? Contact Senior Management. If you don’t have discord, call one on the group wall.
- Work hard always and be sure to have fun. If you don’t do this, the likeliness of you receiving a promotion is very low!
- Invite your friends to work with you!
- Help out a fellow staff member that is struggling!
Once again, this is a rough guide to getting promoted to Kitchen Lead and does not include everything. If you still have further questions on this topic, you are more than welcome to contact any Chief Staff Officer or above for further assistance. We wish you the best of luck on your journey here at Home Cafe!
Approved by Cake n’ Cream® Super High Rank’s