Trainer/Management+ Guidelines
Everybody without exception must go through the application/Training process. Medium and High Ranks are not applicable. They are earned, never sold, traded or granted to friends.
- Follow every and all Staff rules; as they still apply to you!
- Please do not get offended or enraged if you aren’t selected to help train. Your services are much needed at the Bakery! Also, keep in mind that you may be able to help at the next session!
- If you are not selected to help train, DO NOT rage or spam on the wall. Doing so may result in your removal.
- Trainees must have good grammar. If they don’t have a general understanding of grammar, fail them. If they do not have good grammar at the bakery, they will be instantly demoted.
- When evaluating trainee’s grammar, please do not be very strict. If it’s a simple mistake, do not demote them. Being too strict will result in a ban from being a staff member.
- If you are training, by all means, do not fail a good trainee. Doing so will result in a ban from training. Also, do not pass a bad trainee doing so will result in the same consequences
- If you do not know how to train, leave the server you are training in. You must learn how to do so on your own time.
- Make sure you have fun with your trainees and make them feel welcomed and happy. Do not be a strict trainer. If they mess up, just correct them. There is no need to automatically kick them. If you are too strict, you will be banned from training.
- Do not keep on asking for promotions. Management ranks are earned based on work ethics, activity, and availability. HRs are based on need and they are a team decision.
Admin Abuse
- When given moderator permissions, do not abuse. Think execuing a command and make sure that the command you are about to execute is not considered an absuive command.
- Do not TP or Bring HRs unless it is critical. PM them if you need them instead.
- Profanity and obvious major admin abuse will result in immediate removal of rank instead of suspension and without a re-hiring opportunity.
Abusive commands
:slock (Unless given permission.)
:unslock (Unless given permission.)
:give me (unless the cards)
:gear me
:all (Don’t do any command with all in it)
:kick all
:ban all
:ff all (Unless necessary)
:refresh all (Unless necessary)
:respawn all (Unless necessary)
:pm all (Unless necessary)
Approved by Cake n’ Cream® Super High Rank’s