Cakeology is Hiring a Scripter

:wave: Introduction
Hey there, thanks for showing interest in this position! Cakeology is an upcoming bakery group on the Roblox platform that has accumulated over 100 members within 2 weeks of being created. Our goal is to introduce modern and innovative systems and technology into the service industry!

:information_source: About the Job
We are currently looking for a programmer that is fluent in Lua and has a moderate amount of experience developing on Roblox. This user will create all of our systems and make the game function as intended. Further description regarding tasks and systems in general will be described if we choose to employ you.

:exclamation: Requirements

  • You are required to have a Discord account.
  • You must be 13 years or older.
  • You must speak fluent English.
  • Must have at least one year of experience coding on Roblox

:money_with_wings: Payment
The programmer will be paid 25% of our revenue for 24 months (equivalent to 2 years) after release. There is backup payment in case the project fails, however it will not be utilized unless the game generates absolutely no revenue within 4 months of release. I am willing to sign a contract guaranteeing that you will receive percentage payment.

:phone: Contact
You can get in touch with me through Discord at Grayson#0827. Please ensure to include your portfolio when messaging me, otherwise I will most likely ignore your message.

Feel free to leave any questions in this thread and I will attempt to reply to you as soon as possible.

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