Calculating Hammer units to Studs

Hello everybody!

I spent a few minutes trying to figure out how to convert H/U into studs that are suitable for projectile speed.

TF2’s Rocket Projectile speed is 1100 Hammer units, the only formula I found was: 128 Hammer units = 9.392 studs, 9.392 studs = 8 studs + 17.4%.

local function calculateHammerUnitToStuds(hammerUnits)
	return math.floor(hammerUnits/9.392)

But 1100 HU is 117 studs, I don’t know how to convert this into units so that my projectile doesn’t go super fast.

Any solutions?

math class time :sunglasses:

return math.round((hammerUnits / 128) * 9.392)

81 studs is too fast for my rocket speed, I don’t know what I can do to reduce those studs…
Thank you for helping though

so you want that it returns a value which is more slow ? just divide it

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local function calculateHammerUnitToStuds(hammerUnits)
	return math.round((hammerUnits / 128) * 9.392) / (128 / 3.5)

local studs = calculateHammerUnitToStuds(1100)
-- studs =  2.21484375

I guess this is a solution, thank you for the help

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no problem, have a good day.