Calculating worth of an avatar


I have created a script which works out the cost of an Avatar. However, it does not take into account items from bundles and animation packages. How do I achieve this?

This is the script:

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
function GetAvatarWorth(id)
	local info = Players:GetCharacterAppearanceInfoAsync(id)
	local items = info.assets
	local Avatar_Worth = 0
	for x,v in pairs(items) do
		local ProductInfo = MarketplaceService:GetProductInfo(,Enum.InfoType.Asset)
		if ProductInfo.IsForSale then
			Avatar_Worth += ProductInfo.PriceInRobux
	return Avatar_Worth

local player = Players.LocalPlayer
local label = script.Parent.Rank
label.Text = GetAvatarWorth(player.UserId)

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Perhaps what you’re looking for is a HumanoidDescription? This also returns animation and body parts ids.

To fetch a player’s humanoid description use the Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(userId) function, assuming this isn’t for temporary in-game avatars but their website avatar.

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Sorry for the late reply, but how would I add this to the script so that the price of any bundles or animation packages the player is wearing is added to “Avatar_Worth”.

For example, the player is wearing the Korblox leg but I want to get the price of the Korblox Deathspeaker bundle and add it to “Avatar_Worth”

Try using MarketplaceService:GetProductInfo on them and see if the info returned has the price of the bundle or a reference to the bundle.