Gameplay Style
Caliber will be a fast-paced shooter featuring a variety of gamemodes, which can vary in types of objectives and strategy.
Some example gamemodes:
- Team Deathmatch
- Free for All
- Search and Destroy
- King of the Hill
- Gun Game
In a sense, they are basic gamemodes. The flair is in the gameplay itself.
Movement is planned to include basic movement, such as walking in all directions, jumping, et cetera, as well as more advanced movement, such as sprinting, sliding, and crouching.
The movement system also implements a basic springing algorithm for acceleration and deceleration.
Maps are gritty, decently sized, and have lots of thought put into layout. Plenty of angles and choke points will be available.
Color Scheme
Below is our color scheme:
The colors are picked to enforce a gritty taste.
Caliber will give the user a variety of ways to progress and obtain value on their account.
Currency System
The main currency runs on a “points” system. Points can be used to open cases, which can hold a variety of items such as operators, skins, and more!
Points are earned by playing the game.
- Winning a match will give you 100 points.
- Playing a match will give you 50 points.
- Every kill earns you 5 additional points at the end of the match/
Weapon Unlocking
You can unlock additional weapons by obtaining “blueprints.” Each weapon will require a certain number of blueprints to unlock, but you may choose what weapons you unlock.
Blueprints are obtained through winning matches or from cases.
Cases can hold operators, skins, and blueprints. There are 3 rarities:
- Public Market – 75%
- Black Market – 24%
- Special Instance – 1%
Public Market can contain regular weapon skins and occasionally blueprint bundles of 5.
Black Market can contain cooler weapon skins, operators, and blueprint bundles of 20.
Special Instances are knives and incredibly rare operators.
There will be no trading in the game! Anything you obtain will be yours forever.
Leveling and Ranking
You can obtain battlefield experience (XP) by playing the game. The better you perform, the more you earn. Earning XP will level you up.
Weapons are always being developed so that users always have options.
Core Weapons
These weapons are unlocked by default and will be the best selection of weapons. You can use these weapons in any gamemode.
Enigma Weapons
Weapons obtained via blueprints are considered “enigma.” These weapons are balanced enough to the point where they are similar to or worse than core weapons; the last thing we want is pay-to-win.
Special Weapons
These weapons are only available to developers and staff members. These weapons contain weapons such as the troll gun, doom, tec-9 auto, etc. They are much more powerful and can do massive damage in the wrong hands.
Want a sneak peak? Here are some example weapon animations!
The number of options users will have to customize their game will be immense.
Options for all platforms
- Ragdoll Spawning [On/Off; Default On]
- Field of View [70-100; Default 80]
- Crosshair Mode [Dynamic, Hitmarker-Only, Static; Default Dynamic]
- Crosshair Color [Green, Red, Purple, Pink, Orange, Blue, Teal, Yellow, Black, White; Default Green]
- Crosshair Size [2-50; Default 20]
- Crosshair Gap [0-10; Default 0]
- Crosshair Transparency [0-100; Default 0]
- Bullet Tracers [On/Off; Default On (PC/XBOX), Default Off (Mobile)]
- HUD Mode [Full, Minimal, Cinematic; Default Full]
- Camera Sway [On/Off; Default On]
- Weapon Sway [On/Off; Default On]
- Viewmodel Particles [On/Off; Default On]
- Bokeh Effect [On/Off; Default On]
- Damage Effects [On/Off; Default On]
- Spawn Effect [On/Off; Default On]
Options for PC only
- Gore Dismemberment [On/Off; Default Off]
- Blood Splatter [On/Off; Default Off]
- Blood Particles [On/Off; Default On]
More to be announced