California Houses - Exterior Builds Feedback

Hello fellow Developers! Sumit here. I’m here to share one of my works of 2024.

A little bit of insight to the creation first. I was asked by my client to build exteriors of houses in California. It was my first time building exteriors of such houses as they have roofs that are complex to make sometimes. However, with the help of F3X & GapFill, it was possible for me.

Here are few screenshots of my personal favorite houses;

House 1

House 2

House 3

The 2nd and 3rd one are my favorites throughout the entire job. This is my first time building such houses and I also learned on making complex roofs a little bit.

As always, I’d be looking forward for your feedback and let me know which one you guys like the most out of the 3 here!

[The builds are based on real images in California]

Happy Developing & Thank you for your Read!


They look very good in my opinion. Keep up the good work!


These California houses look GREAT! Nice job on them! They look realistic and detailed! How long did it take for you to make all of them? What will you use them in? They are great recreations! They look real!


Thanks for your Feedback Philip! It takes me about 4-5hours to create one-story and it took me more than 6 hours for the two-story one. I have to look on the google maps for everything that’s possible to recreate and so on. They will be filler buildings for a RP game.


House 3 is actually amazing!! You’ve done so well with the aesthetic of this one. California is my favorite place in the world for residential architecture(Even though us Texans are supposed to hate the place haha), and I especially love buildings that capture the cultural soul of California. This building is one such example. Something about the window patterns tie the thing together. But the thing that really seals the deal is the balanced chaos of all the design elements. It’s like the American flag: It’s beautifully ugly.

Must’ve been a/some great reference image(s)

Also if you haven’t already, maybe try doing some Mission-Revival-style homes with red barreled roofs and Washingtonias in the front yard

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needs more pollution and traffic for it to be accurate to california.

otherwise 9/10

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This the real image and thank you so much for your feedback Tenny!

I would love to if somebody offers me such job haha.

Uhm, I really don’t know what to say lol cause this is funny.

It needs more homelessness and maybe a massive forest fire in the background.


You’re a real one for providing the reference, thanks. Also, glad you liked the feedback

Speaking from experience? If so then you live in California, the country where the safest platform in the world, ROBLOX, began!

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I lived in California a years ago, but I lived by the coast in a less major city. I didn’t come across nearly as much homelessness someone in LA would see though. :skull:

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That’s where it’s at! Santa Barbara, San Diego, Santa Monica, etc. are the more laid-back sort of “idealistic” Californian places with slower beach life and a healthier middle-class, whereas LA is just if you took the poorest people, the richest people, the entertainment industry, and the one of the worst urban plans in the USA and threw em into a blender

YEAH I don’t think I’m gonna enjoy a visit to LA…


I LOVE how the houses look, but this one really takes the cake, especially with the cross things in the windows on the garage door and balcony. It’s such a little detail but the fact that they’re included is amazing!!

If I could ask, what texture is that roof? And also, will these houses be decorated inside?

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Hi Beach_Boy, thanks for your feedback!

The texture for the roof is Roof Shingles and no, the house will not have an interior as of now.

Californian here! I think you honestly did a really good job with these builds! Obviously, these aren’t the kinds of houses you’d see in the downtown cities (like LA or SF), but they look like 90% of houses you’d see in the suburbs

Oh hey thanks a lot! And yes, I do believe that these houses are pretty much Suburbs style.

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California Love! Nice work on the house, cannot wait if this is completed!

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