Calling a function through indexing a table

Hey. I’m stumped on this topic, even though I’m thinking it should be simple. What I need to accomplish is to call a function (which is in a table) through indexing. If someone could help me with this, that’d be much appreciated!

How the function looks in the table:

local Table = {
    foo = function(x)

How I’m currently trying to call it:

Table[math.random(#Table)](x) -- Randomised index
Table[1](x) -- Predetermined index
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Yeah, I’m trying to call it like that, just through indexing the function.

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you cannot get a random number between nothing and #Table, there have to be two (integer) bounds while using math.random; try
– but math.random(#t) works in cases where t = not 0 because while doing math.random(#t) , 1 is automatically passed as the first bound

  local Table = {
    foo = function(x)
       return print(x)        

 local m = math.random(1, #Table)

I’m pretty sure you can, as I’ve done it before previously when indexing a table with math.random with normal variables. I’ll try doing it your way and see if it changes anything.

#Table might return 0 if you have table_var = {} and that would be an index out of bounds error…

local succ, err = pcall(Table[math.random(1,#Table)], var1, var2, ...)
if not succ then warn(err); end;

Edited after @XxELECTROFUSIONxX said that it wouldn’t handle errors.

I was just saying an easy way to fire the function when indexing the table. Wasn’t saying, “do this code with no modifications what so ever”

I should also mention my error, sorry about forgetting to mention it:

bad argument #1 (interval is empty)

That hopefully should make it easier to pinpoint for you all. Though I’m not sure why it would consider the length of the table empty.

You can’t do the math.random(1, #t) idiom for getting a random key-value pair from a dictionary.

I am pretty sure using next would work since a table’s dictionary part has no inherent order

local _, f = next(Table)

Gonna test this theory real fast for you.

Edit: Tested, only prints the first one in a table with 3 values.
If I’m not mistaken pairs and/or ipairs uses next to iterate through it to get the values.

Is the error coming from the #Table or from the math.random(#Table) ?

That works, thank you, now I just need to apply that to randomising.

It was coming from math.random(#Table).

Yeah that seems to be the case.

What can instead be done is having an array of functions only.

local Table = {
    function() print("bar") end,
    function() print("foo") end 


Oh wow. I didn’t think it would’ve been that simple. Thank you, kind stranger!