Calling all bored scripters!

Imagination, Inc. is hiring a dedicated scripter!

Meet the team! (so far ;p)

  • @Winky_y // Lead developer and scripter
  • @Winklings // Co-owner and aspiring builder (not on DF)
  • @Abd_Dev // UI designer
  • @Aerophagia // Builder
  • You // Scripter (if you choose to accept)

What will you be working on?

We will be starting development on a new game like jailbreak but also not like jailbreak. In this game, there are only criminals. No cops or prisoners. You rob banks, complete tasks and form your own clubs with your friends.



  • You are active on discord.
  • You are a better coder than me (not too difficult I’m pretty trash)
  • You are motivated and easy to work with.


20%+, not super high budget. If we’re lucky we can get featured on the games page or something.
Game will be monetized.


My discord tag is winky;#0001
That is the best way to get into contact with me.
I will also be following the replies closely on this post.


What will the scripter be doing? Like Guns, Helicopters and stuff? Can you list them all


Can you give us a proper reason that we should work for you over anyone else?

i.e. good developers, motivated team, etc.

I don’t think his intention is to make a real studio. This is more a little project for those scripters that are out there really bored of not making anything and not approaching their potential.

Anyway, there’s a pay on %, this can be a good advantage since this is just like a hobby.

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Things like guns, cars, datastore, lootboxes, quests etc.
Obviously all that for one scripter would be a little much, so I will be working with whoever I choose to work with.

I’d like to create a real studio. But this is a project for scripters who are tired of having nothing to do.
But by joining this you’d be doing it for the fun of it, like a hobby.

If you’re going to found a real studio I should recommend to get some money at the hand to pay the devs, the % payment-based isn’t really factible, this studios pretend to fail. Not all of them, but most.

I’m motivated, my team is well organized and we’re fun to work with. :sunglasses:

Totally agree.
Just dont have the funds.
It’s likely I’ll end up paying developers, but atm I don’t have the funds to do so.

Work on finding funds or an investor to pay for it? That would be very appealing to most, and probably means the game idea is good enough to attract attention.

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Position is still open for those interested. :slight_smile:

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