Hi this is my first time creating game using OOP approach and i have stumble across this problem that i can’t find the solution in dev forum.
so lets say that i have a class called Object:
local Object = {}
Object.__index = Object
function Object.new(Name,Health)
local NewObject = setmetatable(
Name = Name,
Health = Health,
Died = "create a signal using signal module"
return NewObject
function Object:Destroy()
self = nil
print(self) -- it print nil
return Object
and a child class called Tree:
local Object = require(script.Parent.Object)
local Tree = {}
Tree.__index = Tree
function Tree.new()
local NewTree = setmetatable(Object.new("Tree",5),Tree)
return NewTree
function Tree:OnDied()
-- do some animation or something
print(self) -- doesn't print nil
return Tree
as i mentioned above when i called the method “:Destroy()” from that child class it doesn’t print nil, can anyone explain to me what’s happening here? or you can suggest me other approach.
That’s because self is the Tree module not the Object module and you have set the self = nil on the Object module, so it wont replicate on the Tree module unless if you have done it on a local/server script like this:
local Tree = require(script.Tree)
local object = require(script.Object)
local newTree = object.new("Tree", 5)
Or you can just do something like this on the Tree module since what your doing is a module script to module script.
function Tree:OnDied()
self = self:Destroy()
print(self) -- should definitely return a nil because you are not returning anything.
I don’t know how I can explain it to you properly of why it’s not printing a nil on your code, all I am saying is that you already have set the metatable on the Tree.new() so it wont replicate everything on the table like setting the self:Destroy() of course its not gonna print nil.
local Tree = require(script.Tree)
local object = require(script.Object)
local newTree = object.new("Tree", 5)
print(newTree) -- print empty table instead of nil
to be more clear i want to delete unused metatable after the instance inside that metatable destroyed so it wouldn’t caused memory leaks. why i want it to be nil? because there is other module script called object manager that hold reference to objects.
local Object = require(script.Parent.Object)
local Tree = {}
function Tree.new()
local self = Object.new("Tree", 5)
function self:OnDied()
return self
return Tree