I’m working on a project at the moment and this is causing me some serious issues. I am setting the characters camera to Scriptable then calling LoadCharacter shortly after. When the character has finished loading then I return the camera to Custom, however it does not focus on the new character and instead gets stuck at the original focus.
I assume the issue is related to some code in the CameraScript, but I am unable to find it and solve it.
[quote] You need to re-focus the camera, the camera cannot do anything until the CameraType is changed, or it is directed to a new position. [/quote]Not helpful. I think you misunderstood the post. The only working solution is to nullify the camera subject before making it Scriptable and set it back before I set it to Custom, but I should not need to do this.
Thank you for submitting this report. We are currently reviewing all bug reports to ensure we have not overlooked any ongoing issues. Since this issue was reported over two years ago, can you please confirm you are still experiencing the problem? If so, please respond to this thread, and we will investigate. If we do not receive any response within 30 days, we will consider this matter resolved. Thank you.