When a script deletes a PluginAction, I expect that the shortcut is also deleted from the Studio shortcuts menu, but it is not.
Reproduction Steps:
- Create a script with the following code
local newPluginAction = plugin:CreatePluginAction(
warn("Test action triggered!")
for index = 30, 1, -1 do
- Open the output/make it visible
Heads up for step 3: Upon saving this script as a local plugin, you will have 30 seconds to open the shortcuts menu (File > Advanced > Customize Shortcuts…) and assign a keybind to the shortcut “StudioActionsBugTest”. Once you have done that, close the menu and activate the shortcut a couple times.
Right-click the script and save it as a local plugin
Follow the steps described in the heads up
Wait until the countdown ends
Notice that when the PluginAction is deleted you will no longer see a message printed in the output when you trigger the keybind
Reopen the shortcuts menu and look for the shortcut again. It should still be there.