Calling The Destroy Method On A PluginAction Does Not Remove It From The Shortcuts Menu

When a script deletes a PluginAction, I expect that the shortcut is also deleted from the Studio shortcuts menu, but it is not.

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Create a script with the following code
local newPluginAction = plugin:CreatePluginAction(

	warn("Test action triggered!")

for index = 30, 1, -1 do

  1. Open the output/make it visible

Heads up for step 3: Upon saving this script as a local plugin, you will have 30 seconds to open the shortcuts menu (File > Advanced > Customize Shortcuts…) and assign a keybind to the shortcut “StudioActionsBugTest”. Once you have done that, close the menu and activate the shortcut a couple times.

  1. Right-click the script and save it as a local plugin

  2. Follow the steps described in the heads up

  3. Wait until the countdown ends

  4. Notice that when the PluginAction is deleted you will no longer see a message printed in the output when you trigger the keybind

  5. Reopen the shortcuts menu and look for the shortcut again. It should still be there.

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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