CalloDevelops | Scripting

Hello! My name is CalloDevelops; Callo for short, and I have been scripting on Roblox for around 2 years. While on Roblox, I experimented with various development fields, I eventually found my current passion for scripting.

I am experienced with frameworks such as Knit, Rojo, etc., and I generally tend to modularize my work! I sometimes utilize Visual Studio Code, if needed or requested.

I enjoy working in a team environment and have experience doing so, I can take constructive criticism and improve my work when this is given. I have a strong work ethic and motivation to work on the projects I develop for. Although I enjoy working in a team, I can also work solo with direct communication with a project manager or whoever oversees the project; ensuring that all tasks are completed to the highest quality and are on time.

Notable Projects & Games I have worked on:

Notable Groups, I’ve worked for:

Talent Hub: Talent Hub

I am available to work after school which should not interfere with development.

My time zone is: GMT

Payment is based on the difficulty and complexity of a commission, as well as the time it takes to complete. :happy1:.

I accept ROBUX :robux_light: PERCENTAGE % and PAYPAL :dollar:
PERCENTAGE will only be taken if it is proven the game will succeed
ROBUX can be provided through group funds, T-Shirt, or Gamepass

You can contact me through the following ways:

  • Devforum: Private Message me
  • Discord: DM me at callodevelops (recommended)