CAM Overlay crashes Roblox when toggling on/off

Simply put, I accidentally hit the keyboard shortcut to enable CAM Overlay in the NZXT CAM application. When I went to the settings to turn it off in the CAM app, Roblox crashed.

Using a 1080ti.


Relating to this, does Roblox have crash logs?

ROBLOX has a log folder located at C:/Users/Name/AppData/Local/Roblox/logs.

Doesn’t contain any info that’s related.

I can’t get this software to work with Roblox; do you have specific steps on how to make overlay work? Does it work in guest mode?

When Roblox crashes, a .dmp file should be saved to C:/Users/Name/AppData/Local/Roblox/logs and then subsequently moved to C:/Users/Name/AppData/Local/Roblox/logs/archive. If you post the name of a .dmp file that gets created we can grab it from our backend and look into this. In general overlays are bad news for graphics stability as they tend to break the flow of interaction between apps and graphics drivers/runtime. So while it’s possible that this is a Roblox bug, it can also equally likely be a NZXT bug.

Hey, I can DM you the log file .txt if you wish.

As for the CAM thing, I’ve reproduced it again. I used the shortcut ALT + HOME to activate the overlay, went to a random game, in this case: Kart Testing Tech Demo - Roblox, went onto the CAM app again, and turned it off from there instead of pressing the shortcut. It resulted in a crash.

As for the crash file name, it’s ‘log_F8DB0 0, 320, 0, 173223.Client.dmp’

What happens here is that the overlay DLL throws a .NET exception (apparently this CAM thing is written in C#?) from our rendering code - which it hooks into by intercepting Direct3D calls. We obviously don’t handle .NET exceptions, so this makes this overlay crash our process.

My .NET-fu is not strong enough to extract the .NET exception info from the crash dump but I’m pretty sure it’s a bug in CAM. Feel free to file a bug to get them to fix their overlay… (also note that we don’t promise that overlays will keep working with Roblox client forever, as they are not really distinguishable from exploits in the general case).