Camera Animations Not Working FPS System

Hello there, im currently trying to add camera animations into my FPs system. Currently im using this code

workspace.Camera.CFrame = workspace.Camera.CFrame * viewmodel.PrimaryPart.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(viewmodel.CamBone.CFrame)

But as you can see if the videos below, the one in studios is so much more dramatic than the one in blender. How can i fix this issue?

bumping (characters limit thing)

What I found works is setting the Camera.CameraSubject to the camera bone or head

i cant help with anything really except saying that you should make sure the fov in blender is the same as the one in studio (use diagonalfieldofview or the maxaxis one i forgot for setting it from roblox to blender)

Bumping this because it seems it hasn’t been solved yet.
The problem is that you’re offseting the camera every frame, which exaggerates it. Instead, you should have a fixed CFrame for the camera. There’s not really a good way to achieve this other than making your own custom camera.