Camera Avatar Animation now enabled by default for new experiences

What on God’s earth have we become


This is pure speculation and is simply not true. A lot of Roblox experiences have social elements to them and benefit from these features (see also : voice chat)!

Disagree here. Why can’t we have both? Some creators want to make games, some creators want to make social experiences. And of those games, a fair amount have social elements.


yall are tweaking so hard genuinely. stop trying to find things to be mad about

what? since when was this made to accommodate all users?

Thank you for contributing to the post! :grinning:

You struggle at finding a job because you have no experience clearly


I think a lot of younger users don’t understand what the camera feature even is because we have gotten a few of these messages on our group wall. Thinking we are spying on them.


Pretty cool feature, not sure how useful it is though outside of social games.
I legit cannot imagine someone using this in a shooter/fighting game or a platformer.

Does it use lot’s of internet bandwidth to replicate those facial positions every frame to other players?
How’s data usage handled here, will we notice a any increase in lag spikes if every player in a game had this enabled at the same time?

Lots of arguing about the usefulness of this,

It could all be solved if Roblox just started being more transparent about the results of AB tests, if it’s a positive change and that’s shown in the data then there’s no harm sharing it & it would go a long way in building trust and support for the feature.

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Just another pointless update, i honestly don’t think much people actually care about this stuff… not to mention kids, i doubt parents would want this being used


This, as well as the other changes which allow players to be more expressionate is a move I would perceive to be accomodating more people. Is that not what it is? By increasing range of expression, you are catering to more people and therefore, accomodating to more people? I havent read through this topic but as far as I can tell, you simply have a differing opinion; why not let it be?

I am begging you to stop enabling things by default, especially with no way to turn it off for unpublished experiences.

This is not how you endear people to your product, and while I know you eventually have to rip a bandage off to force people into new things, you have to temper that. I do not like this feature and I spend most of my time developing on Roblox in unpublished games, which means I cannot turn it off.


If this were the case, you would not have removed the ability to upload free avatar bundles, as well as have more focus and communication towards the current bug reports affecting avatar creation.

On top of that, I, and others, will not be using this feature (or CANNOT use this since I do not own a webcam) and would rather not have this enabled by default on new experiences. Will you or any staff member covering this thread be able to actually read, understand, and respond to our criticisms and feedback regarding this?

It just feels practical that this remains off by default, like what if you need to do some sort of maintenance or set up? Why did it need to be on by default…? Personally I strongly dislike dynamic heads and the camera use in the first place, I think they’re really stupid, it’s just some tech bro soy shit, and it just raises privacy concerns but regardless I think having it off felt a whole lot better. Just a thought.

Holy moly the twitteroid grouprage here is real. Reading comprehension is in shambles. It’s simply setting this on by default in new games only, not forcing you to use it in your games. Let’s be critical about actual problems.

E.g. game settings is still unnecessarily tied to published games and is only growing fatter by the month. Decouple this, it’s becoming a massive pain to work in local files with all these intrusive social features and other features that you can’t turn off.


Clearly I have more experience than whoever’s over here calling all the shots and making these GREAT decisions.

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Its about time! I wish there wasn’t the ability to opt out but i understand that some developers might choose to opt out of this becuase of fears of preformance issues. Might have to get a webcam sometime soon so i can express my avatar in awesome new ways.


I think that being the default is fine, I really want to see the new experience controls soon.


They’re all just suits. I don’t think I’d be reaching to say that the people at the top are completely out of touch with the community’s biggest concerns.

Alright, thanks for telling us. I’ll be sure to disable this in all my new games.


Existing games don’t have to worry about it. Most people aren’t creating new games so often that toggling this off during set up will be too time consuming for their workflow.


I understand this camera stuff was mainly for investors, but In the end, people play video games to mainly “Escape reality”, this should be opt in, not opt out, as developers don’t usually think about “facial animations” in there games.