Camera based Proximity prompts

Was wondering if there is a way to base if a proximity shows up depending on the camera position, I have a custom camera and it doesn’t work well, any ideas how I could pull this off.

Sorry if this is in the wrong topic, only place it makes sense in, let me know if I have it wrong.


The whole intention of a proximity prompt is that it’s intended to show prompts depending on your character’s position relative to the prompt adornee, not the camera. Ultimately if you can make a good case for camera-based prompts then you can always file an engine feature request regarding it or just create your own prompts.

Ah, makes sense, where can i put in a feature request.

You could also just make your own Proximity Prompts that use Camera Position. I know JailBreak made it’s own ones before ProximityPrompts even existed. It wouldn’t be too hard to do, if you need help with that then I can help you.

Would be nice for some help as the code im using is a bit funky to begin with, and didnt want to go through the hassle of getting custom ones working

look at those two links they may help you

while true do
	if (game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame - "CFRAME OF THE PART HERE").magnitude < "DISTANCE" then
		--do things