Camera breaks after changing character ingame

I am trying to change the character while ingame (without having to load the char through renaming “Starter Character” because it lead some bugs in my game). After setting a new character through Player.Character = newCharacter, i am able to move the char but the camera does not follows it anymore. I tried calling a remote to reset the CameraSubject to the new Char’s Humanoid again but it does not change, it also stops changing CameraType. How should I go through this?

After changing the char I tried these prints and discovered that the camera is possibly attached to the older char version, look this Output:


Hi, @Necro_las! Could you please provide the code you are using to attempt to do this?

I recommend attempting adding the following lines of code, if you haven’t already.

workspace.CurrentCamera.Focus = (character humanoid here)
workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Follow

I was dumb, i was trying to listen the new camera subject through a remove event, but i have set it in the beginning of the script for the new char and it worked. Now i have to figure out what happens with walk anim that freezes.