Okay so the camera works fine but a recent issue that’s cropped us is when I spawn in the camera seems to lock/freeze and the only fix is if you respawn your character, I’ll show some examples below.
local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
if not camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom then
camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom
if not camera.CameraSubject = Player.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") then
camera.CameraSubject = Player.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
That should work, but it may interfere with camera manipulation which you may have.
There were no initial errors, it’s just some script was setting a camera/locking it to a certain position/subject. Also, it should work perfectly, setting both of the camera settings sets everything just to the player.
yeah well it seems to work when giving out an error and seems to not work when it does not give one out, this can be fixed by having a main menu that resets the character as soon as they click play which was intended at the start so we might as well do it now.
If it worked, it worked. Let’s not argue over a solution. I do realize I made a slight mistake, the if statements should’ve had ==, but I’m sure they caught the mistake and changed it, otherwise it would error as stated.
i know they caught it because i am the scripter of the game and im just confused on why it works, so we just gonna have a main menu so we get no errors, thanks for the help