Camera collides with other players’ characters

Recently I’ve noticed the camera will often collide with other characters:

This does not happen with all characters but occurs enough that players are starting to get a bit annoyed.

I’ve played some top page games and they appear to have this problem as well, so it’s not specific to my game.

Numerous players have confirmed this problem.

Setting a transparency of 1 to the HumanoidRootPart, Head, UpperTorso and LowerTorso appears to fix the problem (however you are left with an odd looking character).

Places I’ve experienced the bug:

Guest World!/game-instances

In Guest World I have disabled most scaling features. In-game, players are morphed into pre-made R15 characters. The collision bug appears to occur randomly (about 1 in 5 players). The type of character does not appear to make a difference.

Guest World’s avatar settings:

Super Bomb Survival

In this game Rthro is evidently enabled and the camera collision bug appears to happen with every player.


I’ve experienced this at all places that have third person. When you collide with a player or when a player jumps on top of you, or when you move your camera ‘into’ a players character, your camera zooms in to the character and then for some reason sometimes doesn’t let you scroll out, unless you scroll in, and then out.

I have always experienced this.

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Didn’t happen before, at least from my experience.


Update: If you join the game after another player, your camera can go through the player as normal.

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Nice spot, I’ve found the same with my game. It also appears to happen when a player resets.

What game did you try this out at?

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Private group game, but I’ve noticed this in any other game I’ve played too.

I’ve been having this issue too.

I created a simple fix for this.

Open up StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts.PlayerScriptsLoader

Insert this code underneath line 6:


They never seemed to fire the PlayerAdded event.

@AllYourBlox, this might be useful to you, not sure.