Camera cutscene delay?

I made a cutscene system in a game I was working on, I tested the game on my pc and my cousin on his phone. I realized that the phone was significantly late on the cutscene(camera) compared to the pc. (Help is much appreciated)

How could this be fixed?

	local function cam()
		if frameEnabled then			

			local baseType: Enum.CameraType = CurrentCamera.CameraType

			CurrentCamera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable

			local framesChildren = frames:GetChildren()

			for x = 0,#framesChildren-1,1 do
				local offset = frames[x].Value

				local cf = reference.CFrame * offset
				CurrentCamera.CFrame = cf


			local returnToCamera = TweenModule:Tween(CurrentCamera,{CFrame = LocalPlayer.Character.Head.CFrame},0.75,"Sine","InOut")


			CurrentCamera.CameraType = baseType

			Completed = true


That may just occur simply because mobile devices take longer to load Roblox games.

The thing is, I made a system that loads everything when the player joins, this cutscene happens like halfway in the gameplay. I think it has something to do with framerate but I can’t seem to fix it, other games somehow get around this but I don’t know how.

Thanks for the help, I fixed it

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