Camera facing at the part

So I need again help cuz am bad lol.
I tried making camera face the zombies head when the animation plays. But I dont know what I should use :confused: something like (char.Head.CFrame, who.Value.CFrame)

	if data:WaitForChild("Glory").Value == true then
		cam.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
		cam.FieldOfView = 75
		cam.CFrame = data:WaitForChild("Glory"):WaitForChild("Who").Value.CFrame
		cam.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom
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I believe you can use the, lookAt) constructor. Position being the Vector3 which is were the camera would be positioned, and lookAt being the Vector3 where the camera would be facing, in this case your zombies head.

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Figured I should mention that this function has been superseded by the identical CFrame.lookAt, and that the original has been deprecated.

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