Camera Features Suite for Studio

As a Roblox developer, it is currently difficult to utilize the camera without a standardized and proper suite of features reminiscent of other engines like Unreal - for the viewport both before playtesting in-experience and during when spawned into it. Throughout my years of work in ArchViz (Architectural visualization), I would typically just eyeball the capturing, use parts to assist lining up the shot to achieve symmetry, or even niche scripted solutions like plugins. Ideally it would be worthwhile to incorporate like-features from other engines to allow us to be consistent with the work in presenting content. Right now this is destructive in nature and takes away from the seamlessness of reciprocating between different tools/workflows.

Such features can include:

  • Toggleable on-screen guides like lines, arrows, and more to line up the focal view of objects and scenes, with symmetry; photographical methodologies…
  • More customizable FOV (Like a hybrid slider + text box like Unreal instead of repeatedly inputting values).
  • Set custom resolution screenshots (With respect to the screen ratio, scale up or down the pixels for such specificity like 2K, and 4K resolutions.
  • Consistency for the video capture side, for smooth, quality resolutions and framerates.
  • Tracks/Splines for in-experience playtesting for camera to move along with customizable timing, speed, and more.

If Roblox is able to address this request, it would improve my development experience because I can spend less time being technical of how I capture videos and imagery of content I am working on, and spend more time with the post processing and get more of that work done in each session. A non-destructive workflow that’s seamless with other developmental processes and doesn’t take numerous steps to achieve. This feature would ultimately bring out a new powerful dynamic of content creation for how we present our content for trailers, shorts, showreels, and everything in between.