"Camera Inverted" setting is broken

As of update 0.604.0.6040509, the Camera Inverted setting doesn’t function any more, this issue affects both the client and studio.

Shown in the video: I show what the camera behaves like with ‘Camera Inverted’ turned OFF, I move my mouse up and down twice, then do the same whilst holding right click, the camera follows the up and down movement as it should at this point.
I then switch ‘Camera Inverted’ to ON, I move my mouse up and down twice, then do the same whilst holding right click, the camera still follows the up and down movement, though it should be doing the opposite at this point.


I only remember it being inverted on the X axis, never on the Y. Am I mistaken?

It was always Y-inversion, like pretty much every other game that specifically names “Y Inversion”.

Move the mouse up, camera should look down, move the mouse down, camera should look up - That’s how camera inversion is supposed to work


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


The bug seems to have been resolved in version 615

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