Camera Is Buggy

This might not be to do with coding, but I think it is because we had a mobile shift lock in the game (We removed it) and now the camera is all buggy.

Is this how its normally set?

Do you use a lot of renderstepped connections?

What? The shift lock was made by another developer.

Do you use RunService.RenderStepped a lot throughout your scripts? RunService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

No. None of the scripts, as far as I know of, have not used that.

Well your post is very vague editing the default camera properties in explorer wont make it buggy.

Furthermore, you could easily make a new camera and delete that one to revert it back to normal.

Alright. I will try that. If it does not work i will reply to this saying that it does not work. Anyway, Thanks for your help!

Hmmm. Now I cant move or change the camera position in game at all.

The camera wont move when i zoom in our out, basically it wont zoom in or out at all.

I recommend you read this article on proper camera manipulation : Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

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Alright. I will start reading now. Thanks for your help!

The page does not exist when i click the link.

Here is the article: Camera Manipulation

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