This might not be to do with coding, but I think it is because we had a mobile shift lock in the game (We removed it) and now the camera is all buggy.
Is this how its normally set?
This might not be to do with coding, but I think it is because we had a mobile shift lock in the game (We removed it) and now the camera is all buggy.
Is this how its normally set?
Do you use a lot of renderstepped connections?
What? The shift lock was made by another developer.
Do you use RunService.RenderStepped a lot throughout your scripts? RunService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
No. None of the scripts, as far as I know of, have not used that.
Well your post is very vague editing the default camera properties in explorer wont make it buggy.
Furthermore, you could easily make a new camera and delete that one to revert it back to normal.
Alright. I will try that. If it does not work i will reply to this saying that it does not work. Anyway, Thanks for your help!
Hmmm. Now I cant move or change the camera position in game at all.
The camera wont move when i zoom in our out, basically it wont zoom in or out at all.
I recommend you read this article on proper camera manipulation : Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
Alright. I will start reading now. Thanks for your help!
The page does not exist when i click the link.