Camera Light - Illuminate your development experience

Camera Light

Illuminate your development experience, with the Camera Light tool from Flare Developments

Hey Developers,
I decided to create a plugin which attaches a PointLight to your camera for when developing darker games.

I took inspiration from this from the other popular Camera Light plugin and worked from there.
This plugin will offer you far more customization and will be maintained for the future.

Current features:

  1. Range Customisation
  2. Brightness Customisation
  3. Color Customisation
  4. CFrame and Offset adjustments

Planned features:

  1. Change Light Class (SurfaceLight, PointLight, SpotLight)
  2. Add multiple lighting points.

Let me know your thoughts!

Yes it’s 100 robux, mans gotta make money somehow…


You can’t add more features to a simple camera light plugin can you? What are you gonna add? More lights?


Your entire argument was there was other plugins more advanced, therefore tell me what to add to make this better instead of just being the entire problem with roblox developers and ripping people apart.

That doesn’t fly.


My entire argument is not on how other plugins are advanced. My argument is that there are free plugins that do the exact same thing so why buy this? Rather, why make this?


Right so, you’re saying that just because other plugins are free, my time is basically invaluable and worth nothing?

Just because I price my plugins at 100 robux (goes with the entire suite), it doesn’t mean I’m money hungry, it just means I actually value my time and skills, and other developers who have purchased this already sure don’t mind it.


I agree, I dont see why the other person is calling it a cashgrab…1.06$ isnt expensive at all!


It’s $0.25 devex rates (after Roblox’s 30% tax)

Im talking about the buying cost, not earned:)

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100 robux is worth $0.35.



Agreed, I mean some people start getting so rude and heartless and don’t understand the dedication put into something…

@NoxhazeI if you found other plugins then go and use them…no one is asking for your take anyway…Your words aren’t valued if not used correctly!

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Me personally, update a part’s CFrame with a PointLight using RunService. Been doing this since 2020 with the command bar.

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Easy y’all, there’s no need to blow this out of proportion, and there’s no need to throw insults around.

As simple as the base function may be, OP clearly put time and effort into making this, and should be absolutely free to charge however much they want.

Ultimately, if you don’t like it, then just don’t buy it! :slight_smile:


I do appreciate the familiar UI you’ve made in your plugin. Lots of plugins I see are not consistent with Roblox Studio. Good job!


I must express my disagreement with the situation at hand. I concur with the aforementioned posts, and I must also mention that your justification for charging 100 robux for your plugin is unwarranted. It is unlikely that individuals would purchase it solely for the sake of providing financial support. As developers, we acquire resources that are beneficial, and the excuses you have presented, such as setting the price at 100 robux to generate revenue, appear unprofessional and questionable. Additionally, the plugin’s features are indistinguishable from the free alternatives, rendering it superfluous and impractical. Furthermore, there does not seem to be any leeway to add more features since it is improbable that anyone would pay 100 robux for a plugin that is already available for free.

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Here’s a simple local plugin you could use instead.

CameraLight.lua (1.1 KB)


I put time into making this plugin, and my time is valued, I can charge however much I would like to charge.

All of my plugins are based at 100 Robux and that is set for the entire suite. I am not changing this.

If you have an issue with the price, don’t buy it.

People have already purchased it and like the plugin, it’s just user choice.


I don’t think people should be free to charge whatever they want on the roblox creator store, the platform simply isn’t equipped for that. There’s a gigantic lack of proper documentation for plugins, demos, screenshots, showcases, etc, and no easy avenue for refunds when things don’t work as advertised. Consumer rights are honestly a joke on this platform.

That said, 100 robux is a fair price and I can’t begrudge anyone for putting a price on their work, no matter how simple. It’s around a dollar or something, and since were still on the old creator store with fees it’s essentially nothing for the creator.

Crying about this extremely low price comes off entitled and disrespectful.


if 100 robux is “too much” for all those who complain, then 4.99$ will definitely be off the charts with new creator store pricing (altho im not really for this update despite benefits since my country isnt supported and its not generally convinient)

if you find a free alternative, nobody’s stopping you from using it, just dont be outright toxic.

(the ui is cool tho compared to free ones :eyes:)

not saying im against this plugin though, 100 Robux is a bare minimum anyone can afford (and yet be the least profitable for a creator due to insane fees) if you can make a minimal profit yourself. I’d say its simply a modernised studio lighting with some extra features and more professional ui


Should creators be locked to some sort of maximum, then?

My thought process behind the ‘charge what you want’ is more in-line with the idea of a free-market economy. If I create a plugin and make it cost 20k R$, a very small population would be willing to buy it unless I’m providing significant enough value. @Elttob actually did a pretty pretty neat first-hand analysis of this when he globally increased the price of his plugins. The general trend that was observed is that as the price of plugins goes up, the amount of sales goes down. However, the income from the sales doesn’t differ much.
You can find his video here:

If I got something wrong in this, I’d be more than happy to be corrected. :slight_smile:

And while I don’t agree with him doing as he did (I make all of my plugins free for a reason), I still absolutely support creators’ ability to set their desired price. I eagerly await to see where this whole thing ends up going.

As for your other point, I do agree that documentation overall could be better, but to give credit where it’s due, Roblox has done a fairly great job of improving it over the years. I also agree that there is a massive amount of plugins that are either misadvertised, or outright scams. While Roblox should be working to improve that general situation, I also believe the consumer (us) should do their due diligence to research the product before purchase.


If I got something wrong in this, I’d be more than happy to be corrected. :slight_smile:

Yeah I think you missed the point entirely. I’m not against expensive plugins at all. There are plugins for which the price at hand makes sense, and there’s plugins for which it doesn’t. All im for is pricing that is within reason. No maximum needed, no minimum needed. It’s not hard to be realistic enough that you can land somewhere in the ballpark.

My thought process behind the ‘charge what you want’ is more in-line with the idea of a free-market economy.

But it’s not a free-market economy, it’s a platform. And the vast majority of users don’t live in a country with a free market economy. Americans often think of their economy as a free market one, but it’s the furthest thing from the truth and misses the entire point of the definition.

If I create a plugin and make it cost 20k R$, a very small population would be willing to buy it unless I’m providing significant enough value. @Elttob actually did a pretty pretty neat first-hand analysis of this when he globally increased the price of his plugins. The general trend that was observed is that as the price of plugins goes up, the amount of sales goes down. However, the income from the sales doesn’t differ much.

Yes that’s what businesses have done for hundreds of years, it’s just finding the optimal price for your product.

While Roblox should be working to improve that general situation, I also believe the consumer (us) should do their due diligence to research the product before purchase.

Right, but lots of times this due diligence is impossible. You may discover a tiny plugin that does exactly what you need, but has little to no description. There’s nothing about it on the devforum, reviews just say “good”, or something. You figure, oh what the hell, it’s only 500 Robux, I’ll just buy it even though it might not work. I’ve done this many times because 500 Robux really is nothing. Still, it’s annoying when it doesn’t work. You took the chance because you needed the thing, but it didn’t work as advertised. The principle annoys me more than the money lost, because I don’t want to reward someone for selling something horrible.

Sometimes there actually are devforum posts, with positive comments and the product works… just very badly and it’s not worth using at all.

In any sensible country, I’d be allowed a refund. One I wouldn’t have to tangle endlessly with Roblox’ support to get. They might have the absolute worst customer experience when it comes to refunds. If someone sells you a faulty product, you should get a quick and hassle free refund, it’s that simple. Either this or Roblox needs to add a way to test plugins before purchase, naturally in a manner where you don’t have a chance to grab the sourcecode.