Camera Look Vector not updating correctly [solved]

I’m currently making a FPS system from scratch and I’m adding procedural recoil.
The recoil needs to be applied in the opposite direction the camera is facing

The issue is that upon testing, the recoil is applied in one direction the entire time, Meaning if im facing that direction the recoil works, but if i turn 90 degrees its applied sideways and 180 degrees the recoil is applied backwards

I’ve tried updating the camera every frame but that’s obviously not the issue. I don’t know much about how the camera works yet.

Im currently using the spring module to make this

Current code: (in a module)

function ViewModelController:UpdateViewModelPos(dt)
	for i, v in pairs(Camera:GetChildren()) do
		if v:IsA("Model") then
			local recoilOffset = self.recoilSpring.Offset
			local recoilDirection = -Camera.CFrame.LookVector.Unit
			local targetRecoilCFrame = * recoilOffset)
			local recoilCFrame = lastRecoilCFrame:Lerp(targetRecoilCFrame, 0.1)
			local rotationalRecoil = CFrame.Angles(math.rad(recoilOffset * 2), 0, 0) -- Adjust the factor as needed
			--Update Viewmodel positions
			v:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(Camera.CFrame * aimCF * bobOffset * idleCF * currentSway * recoilCFrame)
			lastRecoilCFrame = recoilCFrame

Issue should be the order in which you multiply the CFrames. CFrames are matrices, and matrix multiplication is not commutative, meaning that a*b is NOT the same as b*a.

Because you already have a lot of terms that’s all being multiplied together, this is gonna take a bit of trial and error to get it right. But I will tell you that the recoil should be among the first few terms.

recoil * offset_A * offset_B * ... * camera_CFrame

Interesting, I tried applying them like this:

local cameraCF = Camera.CFrame
			local aimedCF = cameraCF * aimCF
			local idleCF = aimedCF * idleCF
			local swayCF = idleCF * currentSway
			local recoilCF = swayCF * recoilCFrame
			local finalCF = recoilCF * bobOffset

which didn’t work. I’ll try setting them all seperately to see if that helps.

The issue persists. I believe the problem lies in this:

local recoilDirection = -Camera.CFrame.LookVector.Unit
			local targetRecoilCFrame = * recoilDirection)

I don’t know if the issue is with the camera or being in first person or what. I have no idea
Edit: the issue is still the same. The direction doesnt update with where the camera actually is

Fixed it.

All i had to do was apply the spring in the Z direction.
heres the code if anyone has the same problem

local cameraCF = Camera.CFrame
			local aimedCF = aimCF -- aimCF is relative to camera, so it's used directly
			local idleCF = idleCF -- idleCF is relative to aimedCF
			local swayCF = currentSway -- currentSway is relative to idleCF

			local recoilOffset = self.recoilSpring.Offset
			local recoilDirection =, 0, recoilOffset)

			local recoilCFrame =

			local finalCF = cameraCF * aimedCF * idleCF * swayCF * recoilCFrame * bobOffset

			-- Update viewmodel positions

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