Camera Manipulation and Different Scenes

Did you change the Camera.CFrame to be equal to another CFrame value?

Camera.CFrame =

Yes I did. I am going to send the new script.

A local script.

i don’t think you can put a CFrame in a CFrame like that, you would have to do something like this:

Camera.CFrame =, the CFrame constructor takes a vector3 position. Also note that when you create a new CFrame it will not maintain rotation, in other words it will not “keep” the part’s rotation

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Thanks! It worked! :grinning:

You are in every way shape and form correct. My apologies, lmao.

Okay, to get out of the camera position would you change the camera back to the regular state?

Change the CameraType to Enum.CameraType.Custom

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Like this? Sorry to bother.

 game.Workspace.CurrentCamera = Enum.CameraType.Custom

You’re not bothering at all lmao, gives me something to do with my ever so boring life. Anyways, it wouldn’t be game.Workspace.CurrentCamera = *bla bla bla* since “CurrentCamera” is an object value. You would have to change the CameraType value of CurrentCamera. To do so, game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom :slight_smile:

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Okay! Awesome it worked! Tysm! I understand this a lot more.


No worries, you’re actually like one of the first people I ACTUALLY helped. I’m glad I could help, and glad I could “explain”… Somewhat… xD