Camera Manipulation Glitching

Hello, so I recently made a little camera manipulation script but when I changed the size of some of the parts in the camera folder it now makes my camera glitch and phase weirdly when I tween the camera.

The Grey Pieces In The Air Is Where The Camera CFrame Will Be Located [:basketball:] Recreation Center Basketball - Roblox Studio

The Video Of Camera Glitching Back And Forth Everytime I Update Its CFrame [[:basketball:] Recreation Center Basketball - [:basketball:] Recreation Center Basketball - Roblox Studio

The Code I’m Using result screen rough draft.lua (4.8 KB)

Well I think the resize tool effected the position of the part aswell so you might want to edit the camera part size from properties

How would that affect anything though if I’m just doing workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame = part.CFrame, it should adjust perfectly fine should it not?

You said that you changed the size of the camera parts so If you used the resize tool it does changes the positions a bit when resizing.You might want to check if they are moved

Still doesn’t work I checked the cameras Y cframe and it’s constantly changing back to a random number even though when I set it initially it’s the last time I manipulate the camera.

Clip of it happening - RobloxStudio

Bumping because I’m still having issues with this

I fixed it, it was the buildings surrounded my cameras cframe messing up everything.

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