Camera Manipulation

Hello developers! :wink:

I have this script that when it is clicked, it changes between a part CFrame and the CurrentCamera (Origin) of the player.

So there is a problem, the script works ONCE and then stops working.

Iā€™ve already tried using a normal Script in StarterGUI and Workspace, Iā€™ve tried using a LocalScript in StarterGUI and Workspace, Iā€™ve tried leaving the Script and LocalScript inside the model, Iā€™ve tried all the available options to try to fix the problem, and I havenā€™t been able to. resolve it.

I even resorted to Artificial Intelligence, but even it was unable to solve the problem.

Iā€™m desperate to fix this problem, and I hope you can help me.

Thank you in advance for your attention, have a great day! :slight_smile:

The LocalScript is located at StarterGUI

local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local camLocked = false
local originalCFrame = camera.CFrame

-- Alternating cameras
local function ToggleCameraLock()
	if not camLocked then
		-- Lock camera pos at Cam1
		camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
		camera.CFrame = workspace.ZoomSystem.Cam1.CFrame
		camLocked = true
		-- Unlock camera and restore Original CFrame
		camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom
		camera.CFrame = originalCFrame
		camLocked = false

-- Connect MouseClick event to ToggleCameraLock function
local clickDetector = workspace.ZoomSystem:FindFirstChild("ClickZoom") and workspace.ZoomSystem.ClickZoom:FindFirstChild("ClickDetector")
if clickDetector then
	warn("Click detector not found!")

maybe try binding it to renderstep? RunService:BindToRenderStep() or use RunService.RenderStepped

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After setting camera back to custom, you also need to set the CameraSubject back to playerā€™s humanoid. There is no need to set the CFrame, as this will be automatically adjusted with the internal camera script.

-- Unlock camera and restore Original CFrame
camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom
camera.CameraSubject = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
--camera.CFrame = originalCFrame
camLocked = false
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If you try zoom camera to the part then

local cam=workspace.CurrentCamera

If you want glue camera to the part

local render = game["Run Service"].RenderStepped
local cam=workspace.CurrentCamera

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None of your suggestions work, sorry for wasting your time :frowning:

Changing the subject, I got scripts that can manipulate the camera! But the script that enables / disables it is not able to ā€œfindā€ (I think) the scripts inside the player.


Player inventory (on game)

Enable / Disable LocalScript

local clickDetector = script.Parent
local lockScript = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack.Lock
local unlockScript = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack.Unlock
local Locked = script.Parent.Parent.Locked

Locked = false

	if Locked == false and lockScript.Disabled == true then
		Locked = true
		lockScript.Disabled = false
		unlockScript.Disabled = true
	elseif Locked == true and lockScript.Disabled == false then
		Locked = false
		lockScript.Disabled = true
		unlockScript.Disabled = false

I need LocalScript to be able to enable / disable scripts
I hope you can help me! Thanks :slight_smile:

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ai is never the answer

try putting your client scripts in StarterPlayer>StarterPlayerScripts or ReplicatedFirst, and adding some :WaitForChild()s on the

local clickDetector = workspace.ZoomSystem:FindFirstChild("ClickZoom") and workspace.ZoomSystem.ClickZoom:FindFirstChild("ClickDetector")


its also probably good practice to store them in those places if theyā€™re client scripts that run on execution

Thank you, Iā€™ll test them right now.

AWNSER: Didnā€™t worked

Lock and Unlock scripts donā€™t work outside of the playerā€™s backpack.

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Why you just donā€™t turn off or turn on script when u need change the camera? Do you try change camera subject or set camera CFrame same as target CFrame?

if you are using a local script, make sure to use :WaitForChild() because local script run usually fast before things can be loaded

Disabling and re-enabling scripts is generally a bad practice. For example, disabling a script, WILL NOT disconnect connections that this script has made.

Which may be a reason that your script does not work. After enabling Lock script, you now how 2 active connections and they might be both toggling the the camera, leaving the result the same.

One final check, trivial I know, but are you sure that the ClickDetector is within reach and view after the camera switch? That is, does the mouse cursor changes to the ā€œPoinging fingerā€ icon? If not, you may want to increase the MaxActivationDistance property.

Then why disabled script disabling functions?