Camera Mode Change Detector [SOLVED[

I’m trying to make a script that monitors the player’s cameraMode to see if its set to Follow, and to see if the player changes it again. How can I make it actually work? .Changed isn’t an attribute of ComputerCameraMovementMode, and I don’t know any workarounds to .Changed.
this is the script:

local UserSettings = game:GetService("UserSettings")

local function CheckCameraModeChange()
    print("Mode Changed")
    if UserSettings().GameSettings.ComputerCameraMovementMode == Enum.ComputerCameraMovementMode.Follow then
        print("oop u did it")
        local Message ="Message")
        Message.Parent = game.Workspace
        Message.Text = "Nice try bud, but you ain't gonna get away that easy"


If your looking for a simple fix you could probably just periodically check?

Couldn’t you just do

-- Local script parented to StarterCharacterScripts
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
print("oop u did it")
        local Message ="Message")
        Message.Parent = game.Workspace
        Message.Text = "Nice try bud, but you ain't gonna get away that easy"

Yeah, but I want it to only check when the player changes their cameraMode. I don’t want it to be some loop that always contantly checks it

Yeah how about the code I just gave? Is that something you want?

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I tried it just now, but still nothing (i tried sending a video but it didnt work ;-; )
I put the localscript in StarterCharacterScripts but it didnt print / do anything when i changed my cameraMode

How is that possible, let me test it… Edit: Tested it, did you actually change the camera mode? It only works if the camera mode has been changed. Edit 2: Just tested it by changing my camera mode and it worked.

Ok so I think I can send videos, they just have to be really fast or it wont load
CameraModeMonitor has the script you sent

Could you please show a video or image of what you did? I’m really confused rn ;-;

Ah yeah, cameramode from the esc menu and cameramode from roblox scripts are different. I’m not sure how to access THAT cameramode. Edit: Doesn’t seem to be a property for it, the closest thing to it is DevTouchCameraMode and other properties.