Camera Movement - StarterGui

I am trying to achieve an end goal of setting the camera’s position through a LocalScript. I am making a loading screen that displays a room of a building.

How would I implement this?

You’re gonna have to learn how to use the Camera servlce. It’s not hard. You just need to use the Camera service and set the Camera/CameraSubject property.

But, if you’re looking to set the camera positon, you’re gonna have to use the Camera/CameraType property.

I have figured out a way to do this, which is works. However, I need to ensure the camera is facing a certain direction. How would I do this?

local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local Screen_Interfaces = {
	["Loading"] = Player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("MainUI").LoadingSystem
local Assets_Table = {
	["Loading//Title"] = Screen_Interfaces.Loading.AssetsBar.Title,
	["Loading//Description"] = Screen_Interfaces.Loading.AssetsBar.Description,
	["Loading//Final"] = Screen_Interfaces.Loading.FinalTip,
	["Loading//Camera"] = game:GetService("Workspace").CameraFolder.Loading
local Services = {
	["Tween"] = game:GetService("TweenService"),
	["Camera"] = game.Workspace.Camera

Services.Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
if Services.Camera.CameraType == Enum.CameraType.Scriptable then
	warn("Unexpected Error: Failed to set the camera type.")
	Services.Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
Services.Camera.CFrame = Assets_Table["Loading//Camera"].CFrame

Script ^

You can do this. You just need to use the Camera/CFrame property.

I have tried to do that, it doesn’t work. Can you provide a script?

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I think you should also add CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = --put the part you want it to be..
Make sure the part is definetly invisible. AND use CurrentCamera (game.Workspace.CurrentCamera)
If you want it to face a certain direction, theres some things you can do:

  1. well just keep turning the part until it faces the direction you wanted it to face.
  2. Use Orientation.

What I like to do here is not use CameraSubject, but create a transparent part in the workspace and make it the subject I want the camera to look at.

So in the case of your script, it would look something like this:

Services.Camera.CFrame = you want your camera to be in), of part you want your camera to look at))

(At least, this is what worked for me when I tweened my camera to a position and direction I wanted)

The values inside would be the CFrame position values you copy from your camera part and camera subject.