Camera & Navigation Improvements [Beta]

This change seems beneficial, and I am glad that settings will be implemented that allow the features to be disabled, however I do have a few critiques.

I feel like it may be better to separate the camera speed customizability tooltip separate from the view selector and allow it to have its own button in the view tab to clear up confusion. It may also be beneficial to either add a setting that removes the ability to click on it, or move the tool tip to a different location because it gets in the way of some plugins.

One final note, I’m not sure if this is intended or not, but when turning off the view selector (and the camera speed tooltip) pressing ctrl and scrolling will still change the camera speed, even when the tool tip is not visible.

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Where in settings can I disable it? Don’t know where it is or what it’s called.

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File → Studio Settings.

In the menu that appears, you should see Studio on the left, and then camera at the top. Here you can disable “Camera Focus Adapts Speed” to stop focusing on an object causing you to slow down or speed up. You can not change the right mouse button behavior yet though.


Worst update in roblox history… :neutral_face:


What bothers me about it is, you cant hold right click and scroll at the same time anymore while building (unless you want to change camera speed) I did not realize how often I do that until this feature was enabled, this is my problem though lol.
Also you cant move the camera after deleting an object unless you click first, is this a bug?
The camera also wont work in run mode.
the speed changing is cool though, however players will be quite confused about what is happening unless a tutorial is added for using the camera.


I 100% agree with this post. I hold right-click more than I thought after it was activated, had to deactivate it.


Please change the method from (RMB + Scroll Wheel) to (Left Shift + Scroll Wheel). Putting it on RMB disables the use of turning the camera while zooming. It’s just much more natural feeling if it were to be on shift.


I like these changes, however I agree with @SushiWalrus and that the shortcut for changing camera speed (RMB + Scroll), so it should be changed to something else.


This is very bad for people like me that use scroll + rmb to move and look. I thought it was a bug because i was very fast and sometimes changing speeds. Please change the keybind.

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Hey all, just a quick update that the above changes are now live in Studio!

To disable RMB + Scroll Wheel for Speed Adjustment, disable the “Scroll Wheel Adjusts Free-Camera Speed” in Studio Settings. Once disabled, you’ll still be able to change camera speed using the slider under the view selector, which is visible when you hover over the area.
The Lag spikes/frame drops and the regression involving moving the camera in server view mode has also been fixed, but please let us know if you see persisting or new issues!


I feel like this feature should either be disabled by default or bound to something else than right mouse click + scrollwheel OR let users configure this feature in shortcuts.
I really use the right mouse button and the scroll wheel at the same time a lot and thought it was a bug before finding out it was a feature, it really has been bugging me for the past days.

I am glad I can disable this feature in studio settings though.

Also, I think a possible bug (unless it’s an intended feature): If you click F on an object to focus your camera on it, the speed kinda resets I think.

Will we be able to change it via keybind or is it only “Disable” or “enable”

Huge changes for the better, and thanks for solving some of the issues that there were before. I think this is going to be a net positive update!

I like this feature a lot and it has come more useful as I get used to it. The problem is (and I do realize this is a beta feature) that there’s not a lot of customization to it. I think it would be better off if we could change the activation key bind (which is currently right click) to whatever we would like. I do like being able to scroll to move forward, especially in my games with smaller maps, but I also like changing the camera speed when it comes to my bigger maps. Just my thoughts on this.

Thank you, from the deepest bottom of my heart :heart:
Now this update has a big potential !

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After this update Ive noticed that sometimes the scrollwheel wont work at all but when I load a different game in studio it does.

Edit: somehow it fixed itself ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Okay I can’t take this anymore. I’ve tried reinstalling, closing overlays, closing anything that may cause an overlay, closing and restarting studio, restarting my computer. But it’s been like this for months.

I CAN’T EVEN USE RIGHT CLICK ANYMORE. It jumps around like a mentally insane rabbit and stutters my entire studio. Like 144 fps to 10 fps stutters.

It’s been like this ever since the dumb, stupid (insert more synonyms for the r word here) WIDGET UPDATE. Studio STEALS the focus off any other program when you open it, as far as I know YOU CAN’T DISABLE THAT, and it broke my right click usability. I can’t LOOK AROUND at ALL in studio. Cause otherwise I’m suddenly looking at the sky, 240 degrees left or right, or 180 degrees and looking behind where I want to go.

This is UNBEARABLE cause it just keeps getting worse. Each and every update the stutters are a LITTLE BIT worse. It’s gotten so bad I think I could develop more effectively on Unity if it was on a CALCULATOR.

Sorry forgot to add this, THIS UPDATE MADE IT SO MUCH WORSE. I finally disabled the speed adjustment, but this update takes the cake for making the stuttering the worst. It made the drops so frequent and so bad that I can’t even work on a baseplate.


Thank you for sharing your feedback – we really appreciate it. We’ve heard your concerns regarding keybinds for changing camera speed.

We’re excited to announce some changes to help everyone take advantage of the Studio camera’s new features.

We’ve added a new Studio setting that allows a few different options for keybinds to activate Camera Speed Customizability.

  1. Right Mouse Button (RMB): This is the default beta functionality. RMB + Scroll Wheel allows you to change camera speed up or down.
  2. Alt (Option on Mac Keyboards): With this option selected, Alt + Scroll Wheel will allow you to change the camera speed up or down. RMB + Scroll Wheel will then return to its original function: being able to look around and move at the same time.
  3. None: With this option selected, you will not be able to use the scroll wheel to change speed. All original Alt/RMB behaviors will remain, and the only way to change the camera speed without navigating to Studio settings will be to move the slider under the View Selector.


Gave this a try today and I really like it, but I do have some pain points from the perspective of an old-head dev:

  • My muscle memory for camera navigation in studio gave me some grief with the default right click + scroll camera speed bind. Switching to alt + scroll feels a lot less chaotic.

  • The camera speed indicator is great but I’d like to be able to type in a value instead of working it with my scroll wheel. It’s especially hard to feel accurate with it on mice with smooth scrolling.

  • With an fps unlocker turned on, my pan/turn speed feels noticeably slower unlocked than locked to 60 fps. I’m hitting ~240 fps when unlocked on a 144hz monitor. Dipping under 60 (measured at ~24fps) speeds it up by a lot.

  • At 60 fps: I feel like I get a little motion sick with the default settings when focusing objects. I love how smooth the camera feels when focusing on an object, but it immediately contrasts with how twitchy the regular camera movement is, especially when moved via the mouse wheel.

  • Adaptive camera speed feels like it should also include the mouse wheel speed. I’ve always treated mouse wheel zooming as an extension of keyboard movement, and only having “half” of the equation adapting to what I’m looking at feels awkward.

If I had a wish list:

  • An option to smooth the cameras positional movements out, but keep the rotation snappy. The tweened focus zooms feel really great and having the option for a more freecam (shift + p in game) style smoothed movement in studio would match it perfectly.

  • The selection focus system working without a selection. I’d love to be able to point my mouse somewhere and teleport/tween over to that location in the world without selecting something first. Keeping camera.Focus and camera.CFrame relative during the teleport would be bonus points.

  • The studio cameras field of view getting a native scroll wheel adjustment bind + UI like camera speed. If ctrl + scroll is a toggle for mouse location movement, alt + scroll an optional bind for zoom speed (a good default IMO), than shift + scroll feels at home for FoV.


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