Camera & Navigation Improvements [Beta]

i can assure you, its an “either or” situation. they both cause issues respectively

The average Roblox builder has no idea what a beta feature is and how to disable it.

also very correct. main issue in this is (i believe to be) the beta opt-in being enabled by default.
(also dont forget alot of them are just children so theyre not really that smart to begin with)


I agree. This update is terrible and ruins movement in studio completely for me.

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This update completely ruined my experience with using studio. The scroll wheel is now unusable for its previous purpose. I dont understand how this update got through quality control.


Really a poor choice of shortcut seeing as most people scroll to get to places in their place they want to be


Very nice. Got used to it immediately and now I can’t go back.

Some feedback:

  1. Increase the range. 0.1 feels too fast for the smallest scales I might work with, and 20 feels too slow for the largest scales. Some settings for these would be ideal.
  2. The camera rotates around a focal point some constant distance in front of the camera. It would be nice if this distance scaled proportionally with the speed.
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That post summaries my feelings here. Especially the last paragraph. Let’s wait out the initial reactions, and see how this update is eventually seen. A lot of people are overreacting to this bit of standardization.

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I use both Blender and Roblox and when I say that this is destructive to my workflow, I truly mean it. Right Click + Scroll is one of the ways many people move around in studio and the engineering team behind the camera improvements just simply has not thought of that. I agree that people may be a little overreactive (tho my drive to use studio is still kinda dead over this - even after disabling the beta) but outright dismissing people’s concerns for Roblox killing years of how they use studio is equally bad imho.


I agree. Holding the left click to speed up stuff has really made my workflow slower since I’m so used to holding the left click, scrolling, and moving with WASD simultaneously. I hope there’s going to be a setting to switch to the old camera system, so people who are used to Roblox Studio’s camera movement and people who are used to other camera movements can both have smooth workflows.

It would also be fine for me if Roblox Studio didn’t have a frame time spike every time I change the speed using the left click. Hopefully, it will be fixed in the near future

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I’m dismissing concerns because I’ve seen this happen before. Massive change, massive reaction, eventually the dust settles, and everyone ends up getting used to the change, and don’t go back. Happened with blender, probably will happen with this. Change is scary, and getting unused to old habits is hard. I know this from personal experience, being that I moved from AZ, where I lived for my whole life, to VA in the middle of my sophomore year of highschool, right after I had made a bunch of friends at my old highschool. Now, I’m in my Junior year, and honestly I mostly prefer it over here.

Yeah. A lot of things changed in Roblox Studio with these years, and I’ve adapted to the new features. If a new update made it so I can change my camera speed without a huge frame time spike, I’ll definitely get used to it quickly

Might even prefer it over the old camera movement

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Took me 5 minutes to get used to (as someone who tends to hold right mouse button + scroll wheel to jump and look around) and now I actually like it more than the previous camera system. Thanks for this awesome update!


Maybe it’s me having spent years doing it, but not being able to look around while scrolling has been a massive pain for me. I opted out of this beta feature and hope you don’t go along with it.


Very out of touch, and making a completely unrelated comparison just to preach that “all change is good and if you disagree you’re a bigot” mindset.

This actually affects a very common way of working, a way that hastens developing many-fold. This isn’t just another design change that has no practical effect, this is an integral functionality change that affects so many developers.


I don’t really like this camera update, especially since I scroll to move a lot. At first I thought Studio was broken, as I was unable to move around. Obviously, I looked at the beta features, since it only started to occur recently.

I mainly prefer the old way as it’s the same way that it has been since I started using Studio back in 2017. It’s gotten to the point where I have started to use Studio less due to how hard it is to move around in Studio.

Please at least implement the old method back before it is released as a proper feature, or something similar. This is really messing with my workflow (I am aware it can be disabled as it’s in beta)

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A single flaw should not cause a reversion of an entire update.

It’s extremely easy for them to just change the controls. This update is good, one control mapping doesn’t make it bad, it’s just something that needs to be changed.


Eh? That’s not what I was going for, sorry if it sounded like that. Not all change is good, that’s very true. And no, you aren’t a bigot for thinking that. I’m very bad at getting my point across, which is something I need to work on lmao.

I will say, with the moving comparison, I was trying to get at the fact that the base feelings are the same. I could have communicated that better.

(Semi unrelated tangent bc I have nothing better to do with my time right now upcoming)

Now, my earlier comparison to Blender 2.8? That’s VERY related. Both that and this are massive updates that significantly changed up how people used the software. Both received MASSIVE backlash initially. But, Blender 2.8 later on became a generally approved update. I have a feeling that will be how this update goes. But, we will have to wait and see.

How can I disable those changes? I always move over the entire map b y holding right click and scrolling (to aim at the point i want to fly at). The new update changes this completely and its annoying


Echoing my peers, RMB + Scroll ruins one-handed navigation. Which I feel may take from the disabled community and way less importantly, me, who’s just lazy. Please change the shortcut to something more reasonable, it’s not a bad feature by any means, just poorly implemented. As for the focus interpolation, it honestly just seems useless and kind of annoying. I don’t want flashy when it takes from functionality, that extra .5 seconds it takes to get to an object will add up after hours of development. I think it should absolutely be a toggle.

Otherwise? The changes seem to be a step in the right direction for creating a camera system to support larger and smaller scale maps/objects.


Hey @sicknoobie, thanks for the flag. We’ve identified the issue and are working on a fix right now. I’ll update this thread when it’s live!


Hey all, thank you for your continued feedback. We hear your concerns and are working on the appropriate changes. For now, turn the beta off in File > Beta Features if the additions aren’t working for you. We’ll be sure to follow up with an update soon.