Camera & Navigation Improvements [Beta]

I don’t really like this camera update, especially since I scroll to move a lot. At first I thought Studio was broken, as I was unable to move around. Obviously, I looked at the beta features, since it only started to occur recently.

I mainly prefer the old way as it’s the same way that it has been since I started using Studio back in 2017. It’s gotten to the point where I have started to use Studio less due to how hard it is to move around in Studio.

Please at least implement the old method back before it is released as a proper feature, or something similar. This is really messing with my workflow (I am aware it can be disabled as it’s in beta)

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A single flaw should not cause a reversion of an entire update.

It’s extremely easy for them to just change the controls. This update is good, one control mapping doesn’t make it bad, it’s just something that needs to be changed.


Eh? That’s not what I was going for, sorry if it sounded like that. Not all change is good, that’s very true. And no, you aren’t a bigot for thinking that. I’m very bad at getting my point across, which is something I need to work on lmao.

I will say, with the moving comparison, I was trying to get at the fact that the base feelings are the same. I could have communicated that better.

(Semi unrelated tangent bc I have nothing better to do with my time right now upcoming)

Now, my earlier comparison to Blender 2.8? That’s VERY related. Both that and this are massive updates that significantly changed up how people used the software. Both received MASSIVE backlash initially. But, Blender 2.8 later on became a generally approved update. I have a feeling that will be how this update goes. But, we will have to wait and see.

How can I disable those changes? I always move over the entire map b y holding right click and scrolling (to aim at the point i want to fly at). The new update changes this completely and its annoying


Echoing my peers, RMB + Scroll ruins one-handed navigation. Which I feel may take from the disabled community and way less importantly, me, who’s just lazy. Please change the shortcut to something more reasonable, it’s not a bad feature by any means, just poorly implemented. As for the focus interpolation, it honestly just seems useless and kind of annoying. I don’t want flashy when it takes from functionality, that extra .5 seconds it takes to get to an object will add up after hours of development. I think it should absolutely be a toggle.

Otherwise? The changes seem to be a step in the right direction for creating a camera system to support larger and smaller scale maps/objects.


Hey @sicknoobie, thanks for the flag. We’ve identified the issue and are working on a fix right now. I’ll update this thread when it’s live!


Hey all, thank you for your continued feedback. We hear your concerns and are working on the appropriate changes. For now, turn the beta off in File > Beta Features if the additions aren’t working for you. We’ll be sure to follow up with an update soon.


I do a lot of holding-mouse-and-scrolling navigations in conjunction with buttons, and this feature becomes extremely frustrating and interferes with my workflow on a major scale. Though, I certainly see how this can also assist with my workflow. I’d be happy if there’s an option to configurate the keybinds or even an option to enable/disable it in this feature’s production release.

This highly disoriented me when trying to develop. I typically use Scroll Wheel + Right Click when moving around and with no feature to disable this or change the configuration I am unable to efficiently develop.

and when you disable this feature, it maintains the previous movement speed you where at… so after disabling the feature and restarting studio, whatever the speed was previously, that’s your new default.

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A little pop up that ya’ll train wrecked the camera input flow would’ve been nice, I thought studio was being buggy the entire day. :man_facepalming:

Check your Notifications.
It should have a red dot when unread.



This SUCKS. Whats the point of even having scrolling move the camera if you cant even move while scrolling. PLEASE change the keybind, or just straight up scrap this.

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So thats why my speed constantly changed, damn thats really annoying.

i still know not a single person that likes the new material selector/prefers it over the old one. “the dust settles” is an incredibly ill-thought statement.

Never mind.

simply disable the beta!

PLEASE make it so we can DISABLE that right click and scroll wheel changing camera speed. This has been insanely annoying is actually slowing down my workflow, I dont think everyone should be forced to adapt to this change if they dont want to. I am not the only person I know of who doesn’t like this change. I am not saying to NOT add it but let us DISABLE or CONFIGURE it.


Thank you for my notification in studio for new features! I was wondering why my cameras speed kept going super fast… didn’t get a notification about this feature… I reset my studio settings to default because I didn’t know about this and spent a little while trying to figure out why…

My opinion, I do not like this. Like a few others said make it so we have to use alt + right mouse click + scroll wheel instead of right mouse click + scroll. I normally use right mouse click plus scroll to move my camera around and now this feature ruins it.

As @sleitnick said, this feature freezes my camera when testing in server mode and its annoying. This feature also lags when using it.

I’ll most definitely be disabling this beta feature until improvements are made!

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Using more than 60 fps causes the camera to turn slower. Additionally, this setting does nothing:
