Camera & Navigation Improvements [Beta]

Thanks for flagging this! We’ve identified the root cause and are working on a fix now.


The camera really needed an update, thanks for this. :fire:

EDIT: Is it me or when I change the speed of the camera, sometimes studio lags until I stop changing speed?


But why? It’s the worst kind of movement that overshoots when your framerate fluctuates.

It would turn the editor… into freecam.

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These are some good changes, however I’d still like to see some better trackpad support in studio!

It would be really nice for developing on the go to have similar controls to the Roblox Player for trackpads in Studio.

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  1. To echo what everyone else has said, I really don’t like the behavior when you hold RMB + scroll. I use this to fly around Studio a lot and this feature breaks it.
  2. I’m also not a huge fan of the interpolated zoom. It might be useful when I’m selecting an object via the Explorer window and then (F)ocusing on it because it helps me get my bearings on where the object is, but otherwise it’s pointless and just ends up slowing me down overall.

I hate this part, I usually hold right click and scroll

but in other terms, cool update


@Aspecky @Evercyan @Astra_X2 Thanks so much for the feedback! We’ve identified a cause for these issues collectively and are implementing a solution right now. I’ll update this thread when a fix is in place!


We appreciate your thoughts! We understand that some people may not prefer interpolated zoom; it can actually be disabled without turning off the rest of the beta. Navigate to File > Studio Settings and disable the “Camera Focus Tweening” setting.


I’m having Lag Spikes with the Beta enabled.


I really would like the option to disable this


Cool, but how do i disable the right mouse button and move the scroll wheel camera speed increase/decrease? It’s overall very annoying and disruptive along with the fact that it entirely freezes up roblox studio for around 2-5 seconds.

Edit: nevermind, figured out how to disable it. Sadly i cannot say i will be using said features until they get fixed along with said features getting some settings for them.


it really isn’t good, it’s such a struggle to use since the speed is always changing. there is no point in this, besides if its fully rolled out at least leave a feature to disable it… its an inconvenience updated that seems to be basically useless.


Please add a way to revert/disable the Scrolling Mechianic, it really gets in the way of using Scroll + W to move around quickly. This move has made building more difficult in general.

Thank you for your consideration.


yeah this needs to have a toggle, my mouse wheel is currently broken and it’s making studio damn near unusable

flip the rmb + scroll to be the legacy behavior and make the new speed change that and it’ll be fine


Honestly I don’t object the idea to this, but the implementation just isn’t the greatest imo. For a start, I personally do not need it as my mouse has an infinite scroll wheel which makes moving around faster.

Edit(pressed enter too early) Is there a way to change the input, so I can remove it outright? I tried to look in the shortcuts menu and nothing came up

Edit 2: scrolling up a bit, you can opt out of it in the beta features


As someone who exclusively uses WASD and Zoom To to control my camera in Studio I’m really enjoying this update, but as many others mentioned they have different workflows and it’d be preferable if the default key bind for changing scroll speed used a modifier key like Alt. I would personally set it to just the scroll wheel but the current setting isn’t very accommodating to those I work with.

Some other thoughts:

  • Please integrate the tooltip a separate item accessible from the View tab, the fact that I have to have the View Selector open when I want just the scroll speed slider open is kind of annoying, I don’t always want both
  • Double clicking on the tooltip to enter a specific number is something I keep doing and seems like expected behavior by its design, if possible this would be my intended way to set it to a specific number because its inherently more reliable than using a dragger, especially for small numbers.

A really unnecessary update… this new “improvement” gets in my way a lot of times


Please, PLEASE have a way to change or disable this. I am so used to holding right click and using the scroll wheel to move around. PLEASE.


Camera Speed Customizability

I frequently use my loose scroll wheel to navigate longer distances quickly, while panning most of the time. This is a problem because panning is right mouse button, and scrolling is the scroll wheel.

I would like for this specific option to be togglable, or give the ability to move it to a new keybind.


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How can I disable this, it sucks not being able to Right Click + Scroll it makes my entire life harder and slower when using studio I literally cannot bare it