Camera & Navigation Improvements [Beta]

This camera feature is extremely frustrating, I noticed this when I’m working on building, I never understand how you thought this is fine after testing it out.

It’s like as if you didn’t bother to do it, or you just forgot about it.

Seriously, please, remember that everyone uses scroll to move around. :slightly_frowning_face:

Overall, this update is fine, I guess.


This feature is annoying for me, I always use the scroll wheel to move around faster while moving with wasd and having the right mouse button clicked. Having to not press the RMB is really annoying. Please make this a toggleable feature in studio settings.


I appreciate that Roblox is looking at improving the camera system in studio, but I don’t think this is the right way to do it and it really interferes with building games.

I am so used to looking around and scrolling to things, but now when I do so, my speed is either increased or decreased since I am holding right click and scrolling.

I don’t think this feature is awful but I do think the keybinds seriously need to be changed

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Do you think you could make the old scrolling functionality an option in Studio settings? Thank you!

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Isnt that setting used for when moving the camera with the middle mouse button? Could be wrong though

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how can i disable/rebind the right-click + mousewheel to change speed?


Maybe. Who actually uses that though??

I didn’t realize how much I right click and scroll at the same time until this update came out :rofl:


Just why has Roblox always gotta come with these useless and annoying features?? At least make us disable it, I swear to god you guys are known to add pointless and annoying features, but with this right here you guys truly hold a new record. Who even thought this would be a good idea?
I always hold RMB and scroll, and having my camera speed slow down or up all the time it’s truly problematic and slowing down my workflow. Fix this thing

The new focus interpolation is very good but if the main movement made more smooth like the focus one, it would be very good. I don’t want to use external plugins to achieve it.

For the future, can you please not enable stuff like this by default. If we wanted to try this beta feature we would have went in the Beta tab and turned it on our selves.

Its an Opt-in feature, not an Opt-out if you dont like it.


This is the only problem I have with the new update, everything is good besides this, I don’t like the fact you can’t turn this off or change the keybind for it, I’ve been trying to get used to it but it’s seriously getting in the way because it’s connected to one of my most commonly used buttons for moving around the workspace, if this could be changed or even updated to allow it to be disabled or changed it would significantly help.


I agree with numerous others that the right click needs to be rebindable. I do a lot of moving around studio while holding right click to change camera angle.
I will say I love the idea of the quick changing camera speed, it’s just right click is not the key for me. xD
I’ve been using studio which has had more or less this exact camera for over a decade, don’t mess with my muscle memory xD


Would be nice if there was a way to change between having to manually change it with the mouse and being able to right click + scroll wheel (or atleast disable it). I use both these keybinds just to look around and it can get quite annoying having to deal with my speed accidentally changing when I don’t want it to.

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This is an opt–in beta. If you are enrolled in the beta channel, however, you are auto-enrolled in all beta features. To turn that off, go into beta features and deactive “Enroll in Beta Channel.”


So… How do we move the camera around in studio SERVER view and TEST MODE now? cause right clicking screen and dragging does nothing in test mode nor does pressing W,A,S,D.

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This is a bug that is in the process of being fixed (I think it is slated to be released next week?)


How do i disable this update? I don’t like how my camera speed changes if i use the mouse wheel while holding the right mouse button

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I do not like this update at all. I am use to holding the right button on my mouse and now my controls are weird and is hard to develop with a smile on my face.

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Well that explains why I had to switch it on and others got it automatically. I selectively turn beta options on and off.

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