Camera point immediatly at object/way

I was making a spooky’s jumpscare mansion game like lately and got into dead end of how to recreate camera that looks forward whenever you enter a new room. Or simply how do i make this immediate not smooth:
robloxapp-20220924-1857394.wmv (1.9 MB)
So i found out how to fix this and what was the issue at all.

i would like to see the script that moves the camera, also please try to post the videos online next time, because downloading files can be dangerous

local CAMERA = workspace.CurrentCamera --Camera_Object
game.ReplicatedStorage.ClientInterractor.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(VT1) --Client/Server_Interraction
	local e = game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(workspace.CurrentCamera,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear),{CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.Position,CAMERA.CFrame.Position + VT1)}) --Movement

How do i make this not turn slowly 5 thousand seconds and actually point on the object not near down or up as it sometimes does

where you have did you try setting the seconds number lower
something like this

local e = game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(workspace.CurrentCamera,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear),{CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.Position,CAMERA.CFrame.Position + VT1)})

Yup it does the job until it actually not since tween will end pointing my camera in not the direction i really want nor needed

local CAMERA = workspace.CurrentCamera --Camera_Object
game.ReplicatedStorage.ClientInterractor.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(VT1) --Client/Server_Interraction
	CAMERA.CFrame = CFrame.LookAt(CAMERA.CFrame.Position, CAMERA.CFrame.Position + VT1)

I tried that but it didn’t work quite well as it turn camera partly and i have to loop it so no

Could you please tell me why you have to loop it?

robloxapp-20220924-1929531 it doesn’t work for some reason until i loop it

Did you check for errors on the output?

Oh wait i didn’t quite look there
You typed it wrong by LookAt and not lookAt but even after fixing it still won’t work

Are there any other ways other than CFrame.lookAt

As i see no one knows how to do it so i’ll consider fixing it myself

Sorry for late reponse i was showering

I realised what was wrong.
CFrame.lookAt does not set the position of the Camera but rather the where its looking does both

Consider changing your script to that:

local CAMERA = workspace.CurrentCamera --Camera_Object
game.ReplicatedStorage.ClientInterractor.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(VT1) --Client/Server_Interraction
	CAMERA.CFrame =, CAMERA.CFrame.Position + VT1)

No it isn’t the main problem the mouse sensitivity script i used Slowed the camera movement at all not main sensitivity thanks for the help anyway

Can you repharse i don’t understand

I used custom mouse sensitivity script which slowed the camera movement at all even in scripts i fixed it but thanks for the help anyway i marked your answer as solution because it was right this whole time sorry for taking your time

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Oh, i am happy to have helped. :slightly_smiling_face: