Camera resets Z rotation (roll) in Custom Cameratype

Pretty much just what the title says. Whenever I try to set my camera’s Z rotation axis while in Custom Cameratype mode, it is automatically reset to zero. This makes it really hard to efficiently tween the Z axis. I do not want to use Scriptable Cameratype (because then the player cannot pan the camera), nor do I want to use a custom tween module and while loop. Earlier today I read somewhere on the Devforum that there is a single line of code in one of the BaseCamera module scripts that automatically resets the Z axis, but I do not remember which module, nor do I know if it still does that.
I am really stumped here, and any help is appreciated. Thank you.

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Bump, still no answer or reason for why this happens.

I wanted to a long time ago recreate FE2’s sinking ship tilt.
Like you I went into studio and experimented with :Roll
It worked with scriptable, player couldn’t use camera, big yikes.

You cannot use :Roll in custom, it is a scriptable only property, you have to manipulate the camera via CFrames to do that.

I mean considering you said a Module is resetting I will probably hunt for that right now perhaps.

CFrame setup you should learn cframes but the jist of z is * CFrme.Angles

Angles is how you manipulate rot of any CF.

CFrame.Angles(0, 0, math.rad(zroll))

I believe the post you looked at was this.

Renderstepped is exactly the way I did it,. crazyblox did any many others who manipulate the camera alike.

Goodluck on your games.

Alright, thank you! I was able to get it mostly working with RenderStepped.