Camera rotation bug

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    Fix camera rotation issue, the camera tilts depending on where the player is moving it.

  2. What solutions have you tried so far?
    I have looked on the Devforum but funny enough - no one has the same issue.

	if dragging then
		UIS.MouseBehavior = Enum.MouseBehavior.LockCurrentPosition

		local mouseDelta = UIS:GetMouseDelta()
		current_mouse_pos_Y = mouseDelta * speed * dt
		oldMousePos = current_mouse_pos_Y
		CurrentCamera.CFrame *= CFrame.Angles(current_mouse_pos_Y.Y*speed,current_mouse_pos_Y.X,0):Inverse()

Video: Uploading: Test Studio - Roblox Studio 2024-03-01 23-50-18.mp4…

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it seems the video is not accessible can you edit the post, i want to see whats wrong

It doesn’t allow me to import video’s to the devforum, it comes up with some bug??

Sometimes it gets stuck on 100%. Not sure why.

How is this code meant to work? Is it missing parts?

Where is the speed variable from? Is speed just a constant? Why do you multiply by the constant twice for the y axis? ALso why is the pos named y but it’s the x and the y?

You probably want to use dt here otherwise it won’t be frame independent. Also make sure you’re intending to use radians as the units. I also don’t think there is a reason to inverse the angles CFrame–I think you can just set the angles to negative to do the same thing.

im pretty sure thats just snippet of the code

I found out what the issue was, the Z axis for rotation should be set to 0 so it doesn’t tilt.

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