Camera script not working

Hi all
I was making a Hiding system for my horror game and when i was trying to change the Cframe of the camera it as not working.I Cant find anything wrong with it.Do you think it’s because the script is a serverscript?

The script:

local Prompt = script.Parent.ClosetDoor1.HidePrompt
local Dest = game.Workspace.ClosetHide
local cam = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
local Cam1 = game.Workspace.ClosetCam2

	for _, player in pairs(game.Players:children())do
		local char = player.Character
		char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = Dest.CFrame         
		char.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = true
		cam.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
		cam.CFrame = Cam1.CFrame

Thank You

Have you tried making it a local script?

Possibly, but most likely no. If you tween the camera on the server there will just be slight lag for most and terrible for some. I’d recommend making a localscript inside of StarterCharacterScripts and fire a remote to all clients, and in the ls you can change the camera type and the cframe there. Other than that I dont see what the issue is with your code, have you tried adding prints to see where the code breaks and checked output?

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