Camera setting, to follow players head, while sliding down tube, tight shot zoom

  1. Hello, I am seeking Camera setting Wizards. I control a player to go down a tube that is curved, and then put them in animation as they go sailing down the tube. What I am looking for is the best Workspace.Camera settings to stay focused exactly looking down their head, (I put the player in a horizonal position, before they go down the tube and lock them into it) as they go down the winding tube. Lets say the camera is maybe 10 bricks of vision but stays in closeto their head when they go down.

Could be , where at start, the camera is maybe 15 bricks out but on top of their head, then as the start moving down it, it gets tighter, to 10 or so… that way, it stays tight on their head and a bit of the area of the tube zooming by around them. The tube is about 13 bricks in diameter.

  1. I have messed with a bunch of the Camera setting, while in game, and get close , but sometimes the camera is outside the tube, or not close enough their head. (relative to it zooming out, when I want it tight, I have thought of making thicker tubes or overlaying them so it is solid material, and maybe the camera will not zoom out, but have not gotten that far today) I have messed with most of the setting, but assume it as a combo of doing the right ones, and tweaking them for this kind of close up follow .

  2. I have looked around here, and google, etc, but looking for someone to point me to the setting to play with relative to this exact challenge. I can then script them all fine.

If you have info on why you choose different setting of the camera, for different reasons, that would be cool beans, more knowledge to use later.

Thanks a bunch, I appreciate those that respond.

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As one option , I have tried weldcontraint a part to the player, and then change the camera setting to below, which seem to track well, but the postion view is outside the tube…


questions of this, if you have the camerasubject setting to a part, does it relate to how that part is rotated and where the ‘front’ of the part is’ or how does it choose where to focus on that part

couldnt you just set the camera to the players head?

Hi, I have tried doing it to the head, but because the player is animated during the tube time, this makes the camera jump from a head view , to foot view back and forth…maybe because the animation is looping. Which is one of the reasons I then moved to seeing if it would work when there is a part weldcontrainted to the player.

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one of the only things I could think of is to use camera offset