Hello. How could i add a screen shake to a scriptable camera which is sometime tweened ? I tried using renderstepped with a camera shake module that i create but it didnt work and i dont know why.
There are many ways to apply a screenshake. I think by far the easiest way is to displace the camera in a random direction several times. But if you are looking for a different feel you might be interested in simulating a spring and applying forces in random directions to it.
You said you created a module already though. Can you post the code?
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Im responding a bit late but here it is
local module = {}
local ts = game:GetService("TweenService")
info = TweenInfo.new(0.2, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear)
Position1 = Vector3.new(-29098.029296875, 5687.537109375, 90842.2265625)
function module.Enable(Part)
while true do wait(0.1)
ts:Create(Part,info,{Position = Position1 * Vector3.new(math.random(0,2),math.random(0,2),math.random(0,2))}):Play()
ts:Create(Part,info,{Position = Position1}):Play()
return module
Like i said, sometimes i tween the camera and using shakes on a moving camera doesnt seems good i think.
character limit bypass llllllll