So basically, ive been trying to use various camera shaking scripts for my game, but absolutely none of them will work, they wont error at all and indeed run the code, but i never see a camera shaking effect? my assumption right now is that it has to do witn my fps being higher than 60, but even if it is i dont get how i cant see even a tiny bit of camera shake when i try to shake the camera.
I’m not providing any code right now because i dont think this is an issue with any code im using but rather an issue with roblox studio itself, but if you need at least some reference, then this issue also happens when i try to use the EZ camera shake module too.
please provide your code.
idk what else to tell you but scripting support implies you need help w code which u do
we need said code.
please provide and thankyou.
Ensure its in a local script and in a place local scripts can run, if that doesnt work put this script in a local script in starterplayer scripts, this will give you a basic script you can work off of.
local rs = game:GetService("RunService")
local shakeseverity = 1
local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
local function StartShaking()
local x = math.random(1,shakeseverity * 100) / 100
local y = math.random(1,shakeseverity * 100) / 100
local z = math.random(1,shakeseverity * 100) / 100
cam.CFrame *=,y,z)
local function StopShaking()
EZCameraShake works for me, but FPS does affect the magnitude of the shake. I find that interesting consider it does appear as if delta-time is taken into consideration. Could be how the module uses presets