Camera shifts by *way* too much

hello gamers, worst camera manipulator to ever exist here

i have this bit of an issue, i think a video will explain it very greatly:

my recoil values look like this (ignore five seven):

local staticRecoil = {
	-- // PISTOLS
	M1911S = {
		recoilStrength =, 1, 0.7),
		kickTime = 0.2,
		recoveryTime = 0.3

	Glock18 = {
		recoilStrength =, 0.5, 0.5),
		kickTime = 0.3,
		recoveryTime = 0.2

	Fiveseven = {
		visualRecoil = -1
	DesertEagle = {
		recoilStrength =, 3, 2),
		kickTime = 0.2,
		recoveryTime = 0.8

oh notsad you stupid, why not just lower the values?
that’s the issue, even if i set the values to like a decimal number (0.2, etc.), the result is either the same, or even stronger

idk what i’m doing wrong plesae help me :(((

function recoilModule:ApplyRecoil(camera: Camera, gun: Tool)
	-- get recoil values
	local recoilStrength: CFrame = recoilValues[gun.Name].recoilStrength
	local recoveryTime: number = recoilValues[gun.Name].recoveryTime
	local kickTime: number = recoilValues[gun.Name].kickTime
	-- initialize camera cframe, if it's nil
	if not initialCameraCFrame then
		initialCameraCFrame = camera.CFrame
	-- setup targetCFrame
	local targetCFrame = camera.CFrame * recoilStrength
	-- setup times
	local timeElapsed = 0
	local lerpFrequency = 0.01
	-- lerp the camera on intervals
	while timeElapsed < kickTime do
		-- increment the timeElapsed by lerpFrequency
		timeElapsed += lerpFrequency
		-- calculate alpha, cap to 1 because lerping alpha caps out at 1
		local alpha = math.min(timeElapsed / kickTime, 1)		
		local pointToLookAt = CFrame.lookAt(camera.CFrame.Position, targetCFrame.Position)
		camera.CFrame = camera.CFrame:Lerp(pointToLookAt, alpha)
	-- after all is done, set the camera to be on that cframe
	camera.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(camera.CFrame.Position, targetCFrame.Position)

where are my cframe goats :sob:

okay gamers this has been fixed

the problem was i wasn’t touching the orientation, but rather the position
the workaround to this was to have a big (And negative) z CFrame compared to everything else

is it bad? probably
will i change it? no :grimacing:

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