So I haven’t gone on Studio in a while, and when I got back on today, I noticed my camera was super fast and sensitive, so I tuned it down in settings. But less than 30 seconds later, I was working on a building, and it got super fast. I checked in settings and it had gone up super high. And for the past hour, it has been changing all over the place, faster and slower, and I don’t know what to do.
maybe it’s because of the new function
RMB + Mouse Wheel to change the speed
Maybe you made it without noticing
Did you hold LSHIFT while the camera was going fast?
I guess it happens because you’re pressing right mouse button and scrolling middle mouse OR you pressing F button on your keyboard. The game automatically adjusts the speed of your “camera”.
You can adjust it by hover the mouse cursor at the top right near the cube on which it is written where you are now looking, for example, back. And under it there will be a slider with a speed that you can adjust as you need.
That might be it, do you know if there’s any way to disable that?
I noticed that new slider and I now know what it is, but is there any way to stop it from changing, so I don’t have to change it from that slider?
I don’t know any, I already tried to disable it and I didn’t found a way.
Just active the view selector
and do like @lololoshka_kris said, you see a slider and you can see how fast your camera is (the normal speed is 1)
Its a new function where u can control the speed with your mouse, personally I feel its an unneeded feature and just makes life harder
I did not find where and how it can be stopped from changing, so my answer is no
This is happening to me right now and I’ve tried the solution but it didn’t fix it.
For me the solution works, it just doesnt allow the scroll to zoom feature
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