Camera speed modifier

Sometimes in Studio I need to go really far really fast but to do that I need to either hold W for a long time and scroll, or I can go into settings and change it there.

What I need is to be able to press some sort of key on my keyboard, and when said key is held down, the speed of zoom/camera movement is increased by 10x so I can zoom across the map really fast.


100% support


Um, YEAH!!!

You can set how far the scroll wheel takes you so I just use that.

What if the scroll wheel affected your camera speed instead of actually moving it? I think that’s more elegant (and used by other software).


oof yes plz. I normally just make a selection box in the direction I want to go, press F, and hope for the best.


Okay I started working with a huge map recently and I find myself changing this setting constantly as I go from projects to project. When I’m animating an animal I want the speed and scroll distance to be small, but when I’m editing a huge map I want the scroll distance to be huge too.