Hello!! I’ve been using Quenty // Nevermore spring module with my camera and it works fine when the character is walking, whoever, when I implement it to my flying script, the character (or the camera) jitters a lot. Here’s the module I’ve used: Free smooth camera example - Roblox
Local Script code:
local fakePlayerHead = Instance.new("Part")
fakePlayerHead.Parent = camera
fakePlayerHead.Anchored = true
fakePlayerHead.CanCollide = false
fakePlayerHead.CanQuery = false
fakePlayerHead.CanTouch = false
fakePlayerHead.Transparency = 1
fakePlayerHead.Size = Vector3.new(1,1,1)
local fakePlayerHeadSpring = SpringModule.new(camera.CFrame.Position)
fakePlayerHeadSpring.Target = camera.CFrame.Position
fakePlayerHeadSpring.Speed = 15
fakePlayerHeadSpring.Damper = 0.8
camera.CameraSubject = fakePlayerHead
fakePlayerHeadSpring.Target = Head.Position + camera.CFrame.RightVector * 2 + camera.CFrame.UpVector * 1.5
fakePlayerHead.Position = fakePlayerHeadSpring.Position
FlightEvent:FireServer(flying, CurrentSpeed)
Server Script code:
FlightEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, status, multiplier)
local BV = player.Character.PrimaryPart:FindFirstChild("BodyVelocity")
TS:Create(BV,TweenInfo.new(0.25),{Velocity = player.Character.Humanoid.MoveDirection * 80}):Play()
To fix this I tried:
- Creating the spring with the time function (local fakePlayerHeadSpring = SpringModule.new(camera.CFrame.Position, time))
- Changing the Run Service to HeartBeat, BindToRenderStep (with camera value), Stepped…
- Creating and managing the BodyVelocity in the client side.
- Using a simpler position formula with the head position only.
- Lerping and tweening the position.
- Removing the tween of the Body Velocity.
- Using Linear Velocity instead.
Anyone know how to fix this? Changing the code or do you guys know a more optimized spring module to get the same effect?? Thank you.