So I’m creating an Character Customisation Gui where players can create an avatar In-Game. Before i added this, the camera worked perfectly fine. Now whenever the player respawns the camera get stick and I cant move it around. Does anyone know how to fix this issue
Due to the ragdoll script it sets the CameraSubject to UpperTorso. But upon respawning it doesn’t change back to Humanoid. I’m not sure if this is what the issue is but i tried removing the section of the script but has no changed Behaviour.
Picture of broken Camera:
(On the far right is where the camera is supposed to be, but its just stuck)
The thing is, the camera for Customisation works and it brings the camera back to the player when they are done, but when they respawn the camera is stuck.
i have tried to set camera back to humanoid on a LocalScript inside of StarterCharacterscripts. I can show you this one
local char = script.Parent
local CC = workspace.CurrentCamera
CC.CameraSubject = char.Humanoid
this script dosent work and dosent output anything.
Make sure when the player resets that they’re CurrentCamera is set to enum.Custom. Any other camera type might screw up the game.
Edit: Just looked at the picture you posted above, the CameraType property you showed is set to Scriptable. That means the camera will stay in place unless told otherwise by a script. When the player resets, the property doesn’t go back to default, so you have to change it back to Custom by yourself.